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Old 02-10-2009, 10:36 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Distribution: 64-bit Mepis
Posts: 130

Rep: Reputation: 19
Mepis RC 3 has been released

Both the 32 & 64-bit versions are torrents for an easy download...

Yesterday evening the 64-bit version was a fast torrent, under 13 minutes download...

Old 02-13-2009, 02:14 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Greenville, SC
Distribution: Debian, antiX, MX Linux
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I would also comment that this release candidate is extremely close to a final release state. Unless someone reports an issue with the code as it stands, chances are good that the only difference between this Release Candidate 3 and the final SimplyMEPIS Version 8.0 could be the changes made to Debian Lenny before ITS release. Debian Lenny itself is at Release Candidate 2 stage, so both efforts are nearing completion, though the amount of time that elapses will depend on how soon the remaining Debian based issues can be resolved, tested, then released. Warren Woodford will wait for that event to occur before releasing SimplyMEPIS 8.0, which is precisely what he previously told us as he was starting the effort.
Old 02-16-2009, 08:51 AM   #3
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Registered: Oct 2004
Location: Houston, TX (usa)
Distribution: MEPIS, Debian, Knoppix,
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Rep: Reputation: 234Reputation: 234Reputation: 234
Mepis 8 == 7.9.96, w/ direct links

JR (namida12),

1st, you do mean "Mepis 8 RC 3", don't you?

2nd, some of us, i.e. me, have forgotten (& other newer folks never knew) that until it goes "Gold", 8 will be called "7.9.96". It's taken me 2 Google "site:" searches a week apart to remember that.

I know you're trying to be helpful by providing a link, but your link goes to the main page of the LT site, not to either of the torrent pages. It's just good luck (mine) that I remembered about the naming convention; else I'd have egg on my face for posting that Mepis 8 is nowhere to be found on the page you linked to.

It was the 9th link from:
gg:site: Mepis RC 3
that revealed that the official torrent names are:

SimplyMEPIS CD 7.9.96 rc3 32bit (page) . . . Torrent
SimplyMEPIS CD 7 9 96 rc3 64bit (page) . . . Torrent

If I have done this right, those are 2 links for each: one to the torrent page & one to the torrent itself.

Old 02-18-2009, 06:39 PM   #4
Registered: Jun 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Distribution: 64-bit Mepis
Posts: 130

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 19
Originally Posted by archtoad6 View Post
JR (namida12),

1st, you do mean "Mepis 8 RC 3", don't you?

2nd, some of us, i.e. me, have forgotten (& other newer folks never knew) that until it goes "Gold", 8 will be called "7.9.96". It's taken me 2 Google "site:" searches a week apart to remember that.

I know you're trying to be helpful by providing a link, but your link goes to the main page of the LT site, not to either of the torrent pages. It's just good luck (mine) that I remembered about the naming convention; else I'd have egg on my face for posting that Mepis 8 is nowhere to be found on the page you linked to.

It was the 9th link from:
gg:site: Mepis RC 3
that revealed that the official torrent names are:

SimplyMEPIS CD 7.9.96 rc3 32bit (page) . . . Torrent
SimplyMEPIS CD 7 9 96 rc3 64bit (page) . . . Torrent

If I have done this right, those are 2 links for each: one to the torrent page & one to the torrent itself.

Thanks for correcting me, and making it easier for everyone...



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