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Old 05-18-2007, 12:21 AM   #121
Registered: Oct 2006
Location: Great Lakes region, North America
Distribution: Mepis 7.0, Mepis 8.0, ArchLinux, Pardus 2008, Kubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 8.10
Posts: 69

Rep: Reputation: 16
Mepis 7.0

Originally Posted by mdlinuxwolf
Is 7.0 out yet? If so, how does it behave? What kernel does it use?
No it's not out. It's in development.

I'm sorry to get you excited too early. I just didn't want pusrob to have do a re-install, and then re-install again in the not-too distant future.

As soon as Warren Woodford, the developer, makes an announcement with decisions that are firm, I'll post more detail. Thus far no-one is running it except him, and it's still in testing and under construction. He doesn't want to jerk people around by giving out partial ideas and then finding he has to change something.

Old 05-18-2007, 06:26 AM   #122
Registered: Jan 2006
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 507

Rep: Reputation: 36
Originally Posted by SilverBear2006
Hi, pusrob!

Glad to hear your experiences are good on your laptop. In a lot of cases, many Linux Distros --including Mepis-- can have more problems getting everything to work right on them than on desktop machines
My advice is, if you have a good install of 6.0 that works, _don't bother_ upgrading to 6.5.

That was/is just a waystation on the road to the 7.xx release. Mepis 7 is under development now, and it has indications of being more stable and more hardware-savvy than the Mepis 6.xx releases, or Ubuntu 7.04. With the use of the latest stable Linux kernel, even little problems like the built-in SD card slot in some laptops will be working. In the Mepis 6.xx those generally don't, due to the use of the 2.6.15 kernel in those versions.

My take on life in general is "If it 'ain't broke, don't try to fix it --or it will be!"

Just enjoy a good reliable laptop Linux --and whet your appetite for Mepis 7!

Hi, SilverBear!
So you say that 7.0 is on its way. Right? And when will be that happy day, when Warren anounces the new release? Of course exact dates cannot be said, but could you tell the month of the release? How many months should I wait? One more thing: you say it will be more stable than Ubuntu 7.04. So: did you mean that Mepis 7.0 will drop the use of dapper packages? That would be great, because Dapper packages are very outdated.
And I really like this: "If it 'ain't broke, don't try to fix it --or it will be!"
Old 05-18-2007, 07:42 AM   #123
Bill Gatz
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Distribution: Mint
Posts: 31

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Don't try to fix it?

Yes, "don't try to fix it or it will be." I must have done that quite a few times with various Linux distros, but also with plenty of MS software, too. It's just computers! Trouble is, the more success you have, and the more you tweak something to your liking, the more adventurous you get. It's human nature.

I work for the government in MS support, and I heard a quote similar to the one SilverBear uses, and I love it, have adopted it, and spread it around quite a bit. It goes for all of IT support (deserved or not). It goes like this (and yes, it might be old), but:

If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
Old 08-07-2007, 09:52 PM   #124
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2007
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Hello. I have been running Mepis 6.5 for a while now and it gets better with every version. I run it on a Dell Inspirion B130 with no problems that I am aware of. Wireless is great with an Airforce1 card. ALl 3D works slick as can be. I can use it the office, at home and on the road in my service van without a hitch. When I get near a free connection it logs right on. 3 cheers for Warren and Mepis. I also run it on 4 PC's and it is great.
Old 08-08-2007, 03:47 PM   #125
Registered: Mar 2007
Location: canada
Distribution: SimplyMEPIS 6.5 final
Posts: 104

Rep: Reputation: 15
Smile MEPIS 7.0 is debian not ubuntu

The new 7.0 is almost out. It has gone back to debian instead of ubuntu. I am very glad of that. I am posting from 6.9.51 pre-beta. It's the first of what should be many betas and rc's. 6.5 had 11 betas and rc's if I remember right. And it is very solid for a pre-beta. I guess pre-beta falls between alpha and the first beta release. By the looks of things this will be the best MEPIS ever. There will be more betas and rcs before the final is released so I'm guessing the final will be out sometime in September but that is just a guess. It comes with KDE 3.5.7 so far but I heard there 'may' be a chance of kde 4.0 in the final but that's just at the rumor stage right now. KDE 3.5.7 is just fine. Whatever is the most stable KDE will be on board I think. I think the kernel is a pretty new one. I'll have to look it up later and get back but it does look great so far. It installed as easy as any MEPIS does. Grub is a bit better at finding the other operating systems than in the past.
All in all it is shaping up to be another great release of MEPIS.
Old 08-08-2007, 07:54 PM   #126
Registered: Dec 2006
Distribution: Mepis and Fedora, also Mandrake and SuSE PC-BSD Mint Solaris 11 express
Posts: 385

Rep: Reputation: 42
Wink 6.5.02 worth the upgrade time

The latest reload of 6.5 did fix the thing where some programs recognize the CD player and others only recognize the DVD player. Now, they both appear to work. I have yet to see if I can put them on different IDE channels with each having its own ribbon to see how well it works. The last time I tried this with 6.0, it failed miserably I'm sorry to say.

One should note that XP correctly handles this issue. I'm sure that Mepis will do equally well. The advantage of each having its own ribbon is faster burning times and fewer buffer problems.

Of course this begs the question of why anyone needs a CD burner and a DVD burner on the same machine. K3B itself always functions flawlessly in this configuration. Strange..
Old 08-09-2007, 03:02 AM   #127
Registered: Jan 2006
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 507

Rep: Reputation: 36
kde4 in mepis? not yet...

Originally Posted by mepnoob2005
It comes with KDE 3.5.7 so far but I heard there 'may' be a chance of kde 4.0 in the final but that's just at the rumor stage right now.
Well, I don't think that KDE 4.0 will actually appear in Mepis7. Thats just won't happen. Why? Because the stable KDE4.0 (not betas, not RCs, but the final) will only appear in late october. Warren would never put a well known source of unstability into any of his Mepis releases. We'll need to wait for KDE4 a little bit longer I think.
Old 08-10-2007, 05:13 PM   #128
Registered: Mar 2007
Location: canada
Distribution: SimplyMEPIS 6.5 final
Posts: 104

Rep: Reputation: 15
Smile KDE 4.0 is compatible with MEPIS I said...

Originally Posted by pusrob
Well, I don't think that KDE 4.0 will actually appear in Mepis7. Thats just won't happen. Why? Because the stable KDE4.0 (not betas, not RCs, but the final) will only appear in late october. Warren would never put a well known source of unstability into any of his Mepis releases. We'll need to wait for KDE4 a little bit longer I think.
I did say that it was a rumor but now if you read this link
As well as this link you will see that KDE 4.0 is compatible with 7.0
Check it out and see what you think. Looks pretty good to me.


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