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Old 11-01-2004, 10:46 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: boston
Distribution: ubuntu debian redhat fedora
Posts: 108

Rep: Reputation: 15
10.1 update recently broke mounting deamon

when i log into a kde session there will be an instance of kdeinit taking all available cpu.
it takes a 'kill -9 $Proc#' to get rid of it.

sometimes i get a messege in kde that say the "kde mount watcher" is no longer running. might be something related to hotplug?

this happened with a recent update, and is present in both the latest community and official.
i can get official working and cause this to happen by inserting a usb drive.

anyone have any ideas of what might be causing it to narrow down my search for the actual culprit.

any other ideas?
Old 11-01-2004, 03:27 PM   #2
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Identical problem here. Solved it by disabling mountwatcher which was always kind of buggy in kde and now appears completely broke. Doing so is no easy task. Start konqueror as root by opening a console and running:

$ kdesu konqueror

Go to /usr/share/services/kded and locate mountwatcher.desktop. The icon will look like an executable but it's a text config file which can be edited. Right click on mountwatcher.desktop and select "Open With" and select kwrite from the menu which is usually located in Other Applications>Editors. Go to the last line which will look like:


and change "true" to "false".

Logout and log back in for the new setting to take effect. You will get a warning the mountwatcher is not running; just click OK. That will stop the problems with connecting usb devices in kde. You'll have to make mounting icons on your desktop for your usb drive but that's not hard to do and you'll get that annoying message about mountwatcher not running every time you login(still working on how to get rid of it), but other than that it works fine.
Old 11-01-2004, 10:43 PM   #3
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: boston
Distribution: ubuntu debian redhat fedora
Posts: 108

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Rep: Reputation: 15
got 10.1 official running again.
i nolonger get the runaway kdeinit when i login, but it still happens with a usb flashdrive.
it seems the problem is with udev. i saw a thread over at mandrakeclub that suggested using devfs instead, and that they don't work together.
i can't really get devfs to do anything at all, and i can't get my usbmouse to work without udev running.

i see a few people having similar problems, but no one that really understands how these things interact has chimed in yet.


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