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Old 04-07-2005, 01:18 PM   #1
Senior Member
Registered: Dec 2003
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Rep: Reputation: 138Reputation: 138 Client Application?

Hello Jeremy,

An interesting thought and idea. How about creating an client application (analogy of a mail client as opposed to a web-based e-mail).

This application would allow users to:

1. View the day's threads by forum/category.
2. Allow them to browse different threads off-line and at their leisure. Save if necessary.
3. Provides limited functionality as to post/reply. User/name password stored on user system and no need to manually enter the data every time. Log-in done like in a mail client. Advanced features like UserCP etc. can be avoided.
4. Off-line data can be synchronized to the main server as per user request.
5. Provide a Linux Client at first but can later write a port to Windows if necessary.

Just thinking whether I could do such a program. What do you think? Would it be feasible or is it too much.

My programming knowledge is a bit rusty, but with help from others, I think I could write such a program with of course, help from you and the other moderators.
Old 04-08-2005, 10:25 AM   #2
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Question Solution without a problem?

Normally a reply is time-sensitive, as before your 'offline' reply gets uploaded someone else is likely to have furthered the thread and the same questions you may ask might already have been answered or made irrelevant. So if you did make this app you'd probably want a default option to not reply if someone else has since last sync.

Other than that, browser cache and manual page saving provides the other functionality. LQ is a website and forum, and works well as is. Obviously you can still make some summary generating tool if you wanted.
Old 04-08-2005, 10:49 AM   #3
Senior Member
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Rep: Reputation: 138Reputation: 138
Well. The details can be worked out.

Obviously "Reply" or "Post" functionality cannot be off-line. It has to be like an e-mail "Send" option with connection to the internet.

What I meant was that this tool would be similar to a NewsReader except that some additional functionality for would be built in like posting and replying to messages. Every day, this LQ Client program could refresh either manually or at periodic intervals with the server.

This tool could be useful to read several threads off-line while at the same time allowing them to post and reply to messages without manually logging in each time there is a connection to the internet.

Could be a nice project


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