09-19-2006, 02:42 PM
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Distribution: Raspbian, Debian, Slackware, OS X
Posts: 443
DISCUSSION: Upgrade to Slackware -current without a -current CD
This thread is to discuss the article titled:
Upgrade to Slackware -current without a -current CD
I’m quite sure that everyone who does this has their own method. This is the method that worked for me. I go about things like ths because I’m far to cheap and lazy to install a CD burner on my machine. If I did that I would just burn a -current ISO and install. I don’t use tools like slapt-get, swaret, or slackpkg, because I don’t want to. I have in the past used the method described in Slackware’s UPGRADE.txt, and that’s probably what I’ll do when Slack 11 is finally released, but I wanted a clean -current install, with no residual Slack 10.2 left in my system.
Last edited by XavierP; 09-19-2006 at 02:43 PM.