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Old 06-22-2011, 04:27 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2011
Distribution: Slackware 13.37
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Slackware USB wireless (TL-WN722N) using [ar9271.fw]

Hi all!

Its my first thread, question, and its already an answer.
I've Slackware 13.37 - I tried Ubuntu, and Suse. In the newest Ubuntu i was surprised, that the USB wireless adapter was right after the installation usable. I thought that it's not a well known typ so i won't get any support for it.
So since that while I changed back to slackware, I've searched for that answer. (ok, maybe not too hard because i had net without it also)

The Answer what i found is polish (you can found it here)
the guy who wrote this had Slackware 13.01 so he starts with downloading and installing the new kernel 2.6.37 witch i have already..

so I'm interested only in this part:
Wybieramy opcję reinstalacji
Ściągamy firmware dla karty

Przenosimy je do folderu /lib/firmware/

mv ar9271.fw /lib/firmware/
Sprawdzamy, czy karta jest widoczna, powinien się pojawić nowy interfejs wlanX (gdzie X to liczba karty, np wlan0, wlan1 )

ifconfig -a
So i guess dl this file ar9271.fw, and put to /lib/firemware

And it worked just fine!!
Old 04-25-2019, 01:55 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2019
Location: Garden State
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 110

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Originally Posted by nincsolyan View Post
Hi all!

Its my first thread, question, and its already an answer.
I've Slackware 13.37 - I tried Ubuntu, and Suse. In the newest Ubuntu i was surprised, that the USB wireless adapter was right after the installation usable. I thought that it's not a well known typ so i won't get any support for it.
So since that while I changed back to slackware, I've searched for that answer. (ok, maybe not too hard because i had net without it also)

The Answer what i found is polish (you can found it here)
the guy who wrote this had Slackware 13.01 so he starts with downloading and installing the new kernel 2.6.37 witch i have already..

so I'm interested only in this part:
So i guess dl this file ar9271.fw, and put to /lib/firemware

And it worked just fine!!
I just received the same card minutes ago. I wget and mv commands with their respective text that followed, rebooted. It did not work for my slackbox. This post is false.


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