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Linux - Wireless Networking This forum is for the discussion of wireless networking in Linux.


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Old 06-18-2004, 07:48 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 1

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How do I setup Netgear ma311 wireless network card on Mandrake 10?

Need help setting up my wireless Netgear ma311 card in Mandrake 10. I am new to linux and need detailed instructions so I can get my internet up and running...

Please Help!
Old 06-24-2004, 01:34 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: Raleigh, NC
Distribution: Fedora 8, RHEL 3,4,5, Ubuntu 8.04
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Well, first off, what type of connection do you have? It's very dependent on that.

For example,t he machine I am running has an MA311 in it and all I had to do was run the configure your computer under system-->configuration

then go to hardware and the hardware (hard-drake) icon and find the ethernet card.

then click prism 2.5 wavelan chipset then lick run config tool and follow the prompts by clicking next the whole way and it works like a charm...

now if i can just get it to stay that way!!!! (ie--i have to redo those steps every reboot)
Old 09-28-2004, 07:44 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Wheaton, IL
Distribution: trying to get FC4 to work
Posts: 46

Rep: Reputation: 15
i got the same problem... I have encryption, the router is on, the encryption code is correct, what are all those other settings for? RIPS, signal strength, etc. What can I set on auto and what has to be manually configured?


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