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Linux - Wireless Networking This forum is for the discussion of wireless networking in Linux.


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Old 12-09-2009, 04:22 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
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Question BackTrack 3 - Internet problems

Hey all, I'm very new to BackTrack and Linux altogether.

The "Wireless Assistant" is very touchy and isn't reliable for connecting to the internet.

I am on a Dell Laptop with Intel PRO 3945ABG and I have successfully been able to crack my own WEP, so I know I can do packet injection etc.

However, my WIFI light signal on the laptop isn't illuminated at startup.
I have to open a Konsole and type:

modprobe -r iwl3945
modprobe ipwraw
airmon-ng start wifi0

and then the light comes on.. however I can still not connect to the internet.

Is there a series of commands I can type into Konsole that will allow me to connect?

ANY help is appreciated, thanks so much!

Old 12-12-2009, 03:22 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Try playing with these
iwlist wifi0 scan |less to search for local networks. Find your own and copy the (MAC) Address
iwconfig essid your_essid ap Address

Then move on to pppoe or dhcp


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