starting KDE with VNC
I would like to test VNC in my local network before using it with
distant computers
I've started vncserver on computer nb 1 and defined a password
I start vncviewer from computer nb 2. Then VNC ask me for the
password and connects to computer nb 1.
A grey screen appears and that's all
I've tried it with konqueror on computer nb 2, java starts, asks me
for a password and then the result is the same as above.
I some of the questions here on subject VNC I've seen that you
speak about .vnc/xstartup so here is mine
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
twm &
I thought the problem could come from pb of authorization so I modified DISPLAYMANAGER_REMOTE_ACCESS and set it to
yes is sysconfig. And same for DISPLAYMANAGER_ROOT_LOGIN_REMOTE.
Thanks for a hint