Many users may find that Flash animation in GTK-2.x+ build of Mozilla / Firefox to be very slow, here is what you can do to work around it:
1. Speeding up Flash animation for GTK-2.x+ build (and 2.x+ build only) of Mozilla or Firefox:
-> From Mozilla
bug #219625
Just export this environment before starting Mozilla / Firefox:
You can add this line to the execute script such as "", so it will be exported by default.
2. BTW, a new Linux Flash plugin update is released, 6.0 r81:
[LinuxFlash] flash-plugin-6.0.81 Update
Macromedia Linux FlashPlayer download
Flash plugin 6.0r81 no longer depends on the old (gcc 2.96) version of libstdc++.
3. Also, it looks like FlashPlayer 7 for Linux Beta is coming:
Note: This is re-posted
from PCLinuxOnline.