Samba share like windows
I am trying to get my Samba server to share out shares just like a Windows machine would. I have it working quite nicely except for one problem.
I have 3 windows XP Pro machines and 1 samba server. When one of the windows machines connects to the samba server \\linux I see my shares and can access all of them that are available for guest access.
The problem is when I try to connect to a non guest share such as the "files" share. I connect to the "files" share via start -> run -> "\\linux\files". I get a window that says "Connecting to linux". There is a box for me to type in my password, but the box that says User Name is grayed out with the contents of "linux\Guest". I don't want to use guest, I need to use the kenneth account.
I was able to manually force a connection to the share, using the user name kenneth, by using "net use \\linux\files /user:kenneth"
C:\>net use \\linux\files /user:kenneth
The command completed successfully.
Two things concern me here. First it didn't ask for a password, but I am still able to connect to the share. Second I don't want to be having to use net use every time I create a share with a different user.
What can I do to make it so that it asks for a specific user name?
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2005/02/11 12:42:48
# Global parameters
server string =
security = SHARE
guest account = samba
path = /files
valid users = kenneth
force user = kenneth
read only = No
create mask = 0600
directory mask = 0700
only user = Yes
browseable = No
path = /files/Share
guest ok = Yes
Last edited by kd7edh; 02-12-2005 at 09:32 AM.