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Old 08-30-2009, 11:23 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: Manchester, England
Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04
Posts: 385

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Running clonezilla from command line on live CD

I've used Clonezilla to backup a NTFS partition to a image on a local drive. I want to restore it to a new one where the partition size is smaller (the used space on the source partition is less than the destination partition size). Unfortunately when I try to restore it I get a error stating that I need to use -C to disable size checking. When I try to run the following command
/opt/drb1/sbin/ocs_sr -g auto -e1 auto -e2 -c -C -J2 -k -p true restore -parts "<img name here>" "sda1"
I get a unknown command error. Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
Old 08-31-2009, 06:45 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
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I would have thought that you required a -r switch to enable restore?
Also - according to some information I found, the partition that you are intending to restore to shopuld be clean and formatted correctly for the image you are trying to restore. Is this the case?
-C should be correct, from the information I have seen.
Old 01-30-2011, 11:47 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2011
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Originally Posted by Mark_667 View Post
I've used Clonezilla to backup a NTFS partition to a image on a local drive. I want to restore it to a new one where the partition size is smaller (the used space on the source partition is less than the destination partition size). Unfortunately when I try to restore it I get a error stating that I need to use -C to disable size checking. When I try to run the following command
/opt/drb1/sbin/ocs_sr -g auto -e1 auto -e2 -c -C -J2 -k -p true restore -parts "<img name here>" "sda1"
I get a unknown command error. Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
I had the same problem as have a number of others if you look around on the web, I didn't see anyone else answer it so thought I'd chime in here. Clonezilla is good software but this was indeed quite annoying.

The option it's referencing actually needs to be passed to the partclone program, which the bash script /opt/drb1/sbin/ocs_sr (for me in the current version it's named ocs-sr not ocs_sr check the /tmp/ocs-* file for the name of the script) launches.

In the current version it's easy to remedy plus you can still use the gui. Go to the command prompt and edit ocs-sr (vi ocs-sr) and go to line 490. You should see

Just add the -C there

save and exit, exit out of the command line back to the gui, and run through the wizard again.

Just remember it will of course take effect if doing more than one operation, which you may not want. The change will of course be lost once you reboot.

hope that helps
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Old 09-06-2011, 06:31 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by umyeah View Post
hope that helps
Thanks very much for that, saved me a lot of time.
Old 05-17-2012, 11:44 AM   #5
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Thank you so much

This saved me so much time, I was pretty sure I was suppose to add the "-C" to the command itself..
Old 02-08-2014, 06:58 PM   #6
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Question need help with clonzilla

This is most likely a reply that is not relevant nor timley to this thread, but after scanning the LQ pages for a while I still don't know how to start a new thread and ask a question, so I'll do it here and hope I don't get flammed too bad. Here's the issue. I'm new to Ubuntu (Zorin 6) but during my year-long learning period, I have used Clonzilla successfully on many occasions to both back up and restore images to my dual boot machine (win7-zorin). Each time I back my PC (both Win & Zorin) I see on the screen later in the process a message to the effect that there is a file that contains a script that I could run (probably from the command line) that would do exactly what I do each time I back up my PC with Clonezilla. The message states that there is a file "/tmp/ocs-2014-02-08-09-img-2014-02-08-09-36" that (apparantly) contains all the commands Clonezilla needs to back up my system without having to plow through all the screens that Clonezilla presents and answering the same questions all over again. My difficulty is I can't find that file or folder. Where is it? On my PC hard disk, the bootable usb drive I use to actually run Clonzilla, or on the usb disk drive where the cloned images are stored? Thanks.
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