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Old 11-26-2004, 02:53 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2004
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rpm needs (glibc_2.3.4)

This error stopped an rpm file from installing 'need (glibc_2.3.4) ('alliance','5.0','20040928')'. I did a google search and found different versions of libc. Is this library specific to the rpm file I was trying to install? I am using Fedora core 1. Do I need to do an automatic update or get the libc rpm? I was trying to install alliance-5.0-20040928.i386.rpm.
Old 11-26-2004, 03:08 PM   #2
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"I did a google search and found different versions of libc. Is this library specific to the rpm file I was trying to install?"

It is very common for a binary rpm to be glibc release dependent. Since a lot of your existing rpms are dependent on your existing glibc versions it is not practical to change glibc versions to accomodate your new alliance rpm package. The best thng to do is to find an alliance rpm that was compiled on the same version of gcc as your Fedora Core 1 uses. (There is a correspondence between gcc versions and glibc versions and packagers report the gcc version instead of the glibc version. rpm error messages report the glibc version.).

If you cannot find an alliance 5.0 rpm compiled against the correct gcc version then you should download the source for alliance 5.0 and compile it yourself. If you compile allience yourself I recommend that you use checkinstall to compile the source into a rpm and then install the rpm.

Steve Stites
Old 11-26-2004, 03:10 PM   #3
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According to the documentation at the alliance website, the rpm was compiled on a modified RedHat 7.1 with certain libraries installed. If you don't have the same libraries, it probably won't install (or work properly if it does install).
You have a couple of alternatives.
Download and try to compile the .src.rpm on your system so that it compiles with your libraries. If it works, great. It it fails, no need to try the second alternative, the tarball.
Old 11-26-2004, 03:17 PM   #4
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Originally posted by bigrigdriver
According to the documentation at the alliance website, the rpm was compiled on a modified RedHat 7.1 with certain libraries installed. If you don't have the same libraries, it probably won't install (or work properly if it does install).
You have a couple of alternatives.
Download and try to compile the .src.rpm on your system so that it compiles with your libraries. If it works, great. It it fails, no need to try the second alternative, the tarball.
Red Hat 7.1 with GLIBC 2.3.4? Wow... that's a major upgrade!

Anyhow, I agree with bigrigdriver that the best alternative is to compile the source RPM (src.rpm) into your own RPM package. You can do that by running "rpmbuild --rebuild <src.rpm name>".
Old 11-26-2004, 10:08 PM   #5
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Ok, I did another google search 'alliance 5.0 for fedora core 1' and found a link to fedora core 1 rpm's:

The rpm command would be: rpmbuild -rebuild alliance-5.0-20031209.src.rpm ?
Then install the rebuilt rpm?
Old 11-26-2004, 10:41 PM   #6
LQ Guru
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Just install alliance-5.0-20031209.i386.rpm. You don't need to fool with the source when the binary rpm is compatible with your system.

Steve Stites
Old 11-28-2004, 03:43 PM   #7
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Ok, the rpm installed fine. However, I am unable to figure out the command to run the software. It is not in the Gnome desktop and I can not find any reference to it when doing a file search. Also, the docs and the news groups seem to be of no help. Unless I missed something, that little detail seems lacking....
Old 11-28-2004, 04:01 PM   #8
LQ Guru
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"I am unable to figure out the command to run the software."

Try this command:

rpm -ql alliance | less

It will list all of the files that the rpm installed. One of the files is the command.

Steve Stites

Last edited by jailbait; 11-28-2004 at 04:04 PM.
Old 11-28-2004, 05:32 PM   #9
Registered: Jun 2004
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Yes, that was the clue! Thank you. It looks like the rpm made a new folder and sub-folders under /opt/alliance-5.0/ with docs in both html and pdf flavors and several man folders. Hopefully, all the needed info is there!


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