qpopper TLS/SSL Handshake failed: -1
Hi, I just compiled qpopper 4.0.5 with the SSL option. But I can't get it working. I followed instructions to generate a "cert.pem" file that seems to be ok. I can successfully load qpopper without any error. When I try to pop with my mail client (Eudora or Outlook Express) it isn't working. I got a timeout error.
When i disable ssl, user can successfully log, but as soon as I enable ssl and also enable ssl support on the client side, it isn't working.
Here is the cmd line I use to load qpopper:
popper -s -f /etc/mail/pop/qpopper.config
the content of qpopper.config is the following:
set debug = true
set tls-support = alternate-port
set tls-version = default
set tls-server-cert-file = /etc/mail/certs/cert.pem
Here is the log I get in syslog when I try to pop:
Jul 13 16:58:29 josias popper[15340]: popper: Server: listening on
Jul 13 16:58:44 josias popper[15342]: Set debug to true
Jul 13 16:58:44 josias popper[15342]: Set tls-support to alternate-port (1)
Jul 13 16:58:44 josias popper[15342]: Set tls-version to default (0)
Jul 13 16:58:44 josias popper[15342]: Set tls-server-cert-file to "/etc/mail/certs/cert.pem"
Jul 13 17:00:46 josias popper[15342]: (v4.0.5) Timeout (120 secs) during SSL/TLS handshake with client at clovis.mshome.net (
Jul 13 17:00:46 josias popper[15342]: TLS/SSL Handshake failed: -1
I used Eudora to test the client side and I have this error:
<Dominant>, Logging into POP Server, [08:32:05 PM]
Error reading from network Cause: Connection closed by foreign host. (0)
You will also notice that even if I used the "alternate-port" option the server is still listening on port 110.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you