I start vlc as normal but whenever I try to open some sort of dialog I get two rows of error. I will post all the messages, the last two are after I have pressed any button that (I think) should open a dialog (like "add movie").
mezzymeat@garanka:~$ vlc
VLC media player 0.8.0 Janus
[00000214] main dialogs provider error: no dialogs provider module matched "any"
[00000211] skins2 interface error: No suitable dialogs provider found
[00000211] skins2 interface: skin: VLC OSX Interface author: BigBen
[00000215] main dialogs provider error: no dialogs provider module matched "any"
[00000211] skins2 interface error: No suitable dialogs provider found
I searched on google but couldn't find anything about this error.