Back when I used to use Windows (well, still do for Half-Life 2...), I started experimenting with some PIC18F series microcontrollers, mostly the 18F2455 family for their USB interface. I used Microchip's PIC IDE and USB framework/bootloader/etc. (I made my self a pretty spiffy USB GameCube controller adapter and USB SNES controller, as well as a few little experiment thingies.
Once I switched to Kubuntu I used that same IDE and stuff in Wine, but I never really liked Microchip's compiler. I'd like to get back into PIC stuff (haven't since I got my newer computer), and I can't seem to find a good free software C compiler or USB framework for the PIC18F. Does anybody know of one they can recommend? I already have a parallel port programmer on another computer to write in a bootloader, but it'd be nice to have a bootloader that can self-program over USB like Microchip's. The biggest thing I'd like from the USB framework is a template HID project, but some others like Mass Storage would be nice; I'd like to try to fiddle with those
Oh, and like I said, I'm using Kubuntu (Ubuntu with KDE
), but I'm not too picky about using specifically KDE programs.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!