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Old 12-05-2014, 12:40 AM   #1
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Out of ffmpeg and flac which should be used to convert .wav files to .flac? Why?


Out of `ffmpeg` and `flac` which should be used to convert
`wav` files to `flac`? WHY?
Old 12-05-2014, 01:07 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Out of `ffmpeg` and `flac` which should be used to convert
`wav` files to `flac`? WHY?
1. That depends on what criteria you use.
2. Why only flac or ffmpeg? Why not sox? Why not soundconverter?
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Old 12-05-2014, 01:30 AM   #3
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Thanks for responding.

Originally Posted by jdkaye View Post
1. That depends on what criteria you use.
What possible criteria should be considered?
I am not well versed in these things. Enlighten please.

Originally Posted by jdkaye View Post
2. Why only flac or ffmpeg? Why not sox? Why not soundconverter?
Haven't heard of those other things. It took me few
seconds to install flac hence I asked about it.
Old 12-05-2014, 06:54 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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What possible criteria should be considered?
I am not well versed in these things. Enlighten please.
Basically it boils down to "does it work? does it do what you want it to". For some choices you might choose speed, reliability, number of keystrokes required... The possibilities are endless. For your case why not just use the first one that works?
Old 12-05-2014, 11:15 AM   #5
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I use flac because the command line is simpler, but they should all work about as well.
Old 12-06-2014, 06:19 PM   #6
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As far as the conversion of the sound itself goes if any of them produce different results then they are faulty and need to be rewritten because FLAC files should exactly represent the sound information they are encoding with no omissions or changes.
Assuming they all work I could take a guess that ffmpeg may take up more memory than flac since ffmpeg is general purpose though that is only a guess.
Again, something like Sound Converter would take up more memory again as it uses a GUI.
In other words, your question is pretty much the same as asking "How do I best unzip a zip file?".


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