I am attempting to remote connect two linux systems together (one called frame, a RHL and the other steve, a fedora OS) using ssh.
Here is the procedure I followed:
#1 Generated dsa keys: $ ssh-keygen -t dsa on both computers frame and steve. I placed the id_dsa and id_dsa.public in a .ssh file on the home directory of the respective computers.
NOTE: I generated a "passphrase" for both computers using "keygen"
#2 I copied the public keys (id_dsa.pub) into the respective "authorized_keys" file that I also placed in the .ssh folder.
#3 I attempted to connect from steve to frame using $ "ssh
frame@localhost.localdomain" and I got "Permission denied"..
The password that I used to connect to frame was the "passphrase" that I used to generate frame's keys..
Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong. This is my FIRST time attempting to do this and I have looked stuff up on line and in some books, but have not found anything that I can detect as directly related to my problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
I did notice that I do have a ssh folder at /ect, and am not sure if I should place my keys here instead of at the /home/.ssh?????