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Old 03-06-2009, 10:47 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2009
Location: Virginia, US
Distribution: Ubuntu Ibex.
Posts: 33

Rep: Reputation: 15 updates on ubuntu 8.10

So, I had the updates before, but then I reinstalled ubuntu and I can't remember what I did before. Here's where I am..

I have 2.4 version. I want the newest version. I went to the openoffice website and downloaded the newest version for linux. It's in .tar.gz format, which I know isn't the right one for ubuntu. I know I have to do something with "make" or something in a terminal, but I'm not sure what. Can anyone help? Am I doing this all wrong? Is there an easier way?

PS-Sorry I ask for alot of help, but as soon as I get this os mastered, I'll be back to help others =]
Old 03-06-2009, 11:03 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Dec 2008
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Originally Posted by belladivediva View Post
So, I had the updates before, but then I reinstalled ubuntu and I can't remember what I did before. Here's where I am..

I have 2.4 version. I want the newest version. I went to the openoffice website and downloaded the newest version for linux. It's in .tar.gz format, which I know isn't the right one for ubuntu. I know I have to do something with "make" or something in a terminal, but I'm not sure what. Can anyone help? Am I doing this all wrong? Is there an easier way?

PS-Sorry I ask for alot of help, but as soon as I get this os mastered, I'll be back to help others =]
Ok, take a deep breath and here goes. You are making a number of mistakes that may be innocent at the moment but could come back to bite you later. You say that
It's in .tar.gz format, which I know isn't the right one for ubuntu.
This is false. The tar.gz format is good for ubuntu and every other linux distro around. Please remove that idea from your head it is false and it is pernicious.

You say,
I know I have to do something with "make" or something in a terminal, but I'm not sure what.
Once again, this is completely false. Many people think that tar.gz or tar.bz2 files only contain source code (where indeed you do need to do stuff with make) but this is not correct. While most source code is bundled in tarballs (tar.gz or tar.bz2 files) the reverse is not true. Many things that are bundled in tarballs are not source. Openoffice is one example of this (there are many many others).

Now you have the option: do you want to use the "normal" ubuntu package installation procedure? (I assume you know how to do this using synaptic or adept or whatever they use in ubuntu) or do you want to go ahead and learn how to install it directly from the Openoffice site? Let us know your wishes.

To get you started you want to go to this link:
Each row represents a different language so choose the one you like (for example English-us) The columns represent different OS's, Distros and architectures. In your case choose Linux-Deb or Linux-64-Deb depending on whether you are running a 32 or 64 bit version of Ubuntu.

Last edited by jdkaye; 03-06-2009 at 11:12 PM.
Old 03-06-2009, 11:06 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2009
Location: Virginia, US
Distribution: Ubuntu Ibex.
Posts: 33

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I downloaded it from the sight, but which ever way is best. I just want the newest version of openoffice. You know, for presentations and stuff, it would be nice to have the newest version. And thank you for your help. I have no idea what I'm doing in most cases. Eventually I get it right, after doing a million wrongs first, so I'm really happy for the help. It would be nice to do it right the first time for once =]
Old 03-06-2009, 11:12 PM   #4
Registered: Jan 2009
Location: Virginia, US
Distribution: Ubuntu Ibex.
Posts: 33

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Btw, the file I downloaded is an icon on my desktop called "Install data"
Old 03-06-2009, 11:30 PM   #5
LQ Guru
Registered: Dec 2008
Location: Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, UK
Distribution: Debian Testing Amd64
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Originally Posted by belladivediva View Post
Btw, the file I downloaded is an icon on my desktop called "Install data"
Ok, actually I don't like to clutter up my desktop with installation stuff so I set my FFx to download everything to /tmp.

Anyway, since you're online now and answering quickly we can do this step-by-step and if you have problems then we can sort them out quickly.

Open and terminal and navigate to ~/Desktop
type ls to get a list of the files in that folder and you should see a file called: OOo_3.0.1_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz
If you see that file then run the command
tar zxvf OOo_3.0.1_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz
(hint: just typing the first 2 or 3 chars of the filename (OOo in this case) and then hit the tab key will autocomplete the line)
You will notice a mass of files and folders being created very quickly as the tarball is unpacked. Just take note of the very beginning of the line (all the lines should begin the same way) since that is the name folder that the installation stuff is being unpacked to.

Let me know if you can get this far.
Old 03-07-2009, 12:15 PM   #6
Registered: Jan 2009
Location: Virginia, US
Distribution: Ubuntu Ibex.
Posts: 33

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Rep: Reputation: 15
After digging around on google, I finally found out how I did it before! So, I did that again. Thanks for your help, anyway.


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