Follow this instruction and you should be more then good:
1. Rename your downloaded file by hitting "F2" and name it 'MozillaFire.tar.gz'. This will make things easier for you.
2. I recommend u place this on your desktop. Again it's easier for me to guide you that way.
3. Oepn your Gnome Terminal console.
4. Log in as root user. To do this type 'su' and enter. It will ask your for the password, type it and hit enter.
Navigate your way into /usr/local. (This folder is equvelent to 'c:/Program Files' in Windows). For you to do this follow my commands:
type: cd ~ (hit enter)
type: cd /usr/local (hit enter)
Now you should be in usr/local directory
5. If you renamed and placed your mozilla download in your Desktop like i told you to, type this command:
tar -xvzf //home//linux//Desktop//MozillaFire.tar.gz
You see the bold "linux"? That differs depending on what you set yours user name as. It's like 'C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]' in windows. So change the 'linux' to whatever that applies to you.
Just to explain what i did in that command is this. I am telling the console to look for my MozillaFirebird zip file that's located in my Desktop, and unzip it to the current directory i am in which is /usr/local like i showed u in the step 4.
6. If u did everything right, the console should be listing whole bunch of files thats currently being extracted.
7. Once that's done exit the console. Navigate to your /usr/local using File broswer. You should see "MozillaFirebird" folder in there. double click and enter.
8. Find the file that's named "MozillaFirebird" and drag it to your desktop or your toolbar (the thing that acts like quick launch for windows). When u let go, it will ask you if u want to move, copy, or link it. Click link it.
9. Windows pops up saying whatever, if u want to change the icon click the icon image and pick the one you like. When your done hit ok.
10. There you have it. You done.
As you can see, it's not acutally installting your MozillaFirebird like windows. In linux you extract files into a folder and just link to your executable file. This means theres no is registery like windows you have to worry about.
Think of it as Windows 3.1. You just extract the files and run. No installing.
Of course files like RPM are little different and automates the things for you. There are about 4 different install method for file types in linux. The one i showed u is just one of them.
Last edited by Arclite; 08-17-2003 at 07:39 PM.