my bios settings keep changing...
not sure whether this is software, hardware, security, or none of the above, but i'll post it here.
it started happening during gentoo install. i had to reboot for some reasons and it tells me that there are no operating systems. i check my bios' booting sequence and my hard disk (i only have 1) can be expanded. i never noticed that. and after i expanded i see something weird stuff i don't even have... it's not removable something (cause that's the floppy) but it was something like that. weird. the other one i see is my real hd. so i move that up and it'll boot fine. btw, i seem to get this almost all the times. meaning that i randomly boot fine.
i get sick of doing that so i just load the default bios setting. i guess it's a trivial problem but just annoying. has anyone encountered something like this? any help will be appreciated. thanks.