Originally Posted by Firerat
knowing what the "open source program" is would certainly help
but try
cd "/path/to/open source program/"
~/Downloads/revkit-1.3$ ./make.py
couldn't parse arguments. Try ./make.py -h
ravi@ravi-ji:~/Downloads/revkit-1.3$ ./make.py -h
valid scripts are: bootstrap, build, clean
- bootstrap: initializes the revkit directory and libraries
- build: builds the algorithms
- clean: cleans the revkit directory
Take a look at doc/README for further information.
ravi@ravi-ji:~/Downloads/revkit-1.3$ ./make.py build
Sat Sep 21 18:37:12 TFT 2013 /home/ravi/Downloads/revkit-1.3/scripts/build param:
you should run bootstrap.sh first. Run it now? y/n
/home/ravi/Downloads/revkit-1.3/scripts/build: line 98: bootstrap.sh: No such file or directory