Originally posted by Pulka
Hi there!
I'm using Debian unstable, and yesterday i made an update on gaim. Since then, everytime i reboot, Gaim opens automatically.
I already checked in "sessions" and it isn't there. How can i remove Gaim from opening in startup?
I dont know which graphical interface you are using. But anyway, if you are using KDE, you might find a folder called autostart that may contain a executable for the programs you want to start at boot up of KDE.
And if this is so, that gaim is in this folder, just remove with:
rm -rf /home/username/.kde/Autostart/gaim
if not there, and still start at boot up? check this folder then:
And remove it from there, that is if it is there!
with the same command
rm -rf /opt/kde3/share/autostart/gaim*
Obs! in su when you try to remove from opt
Hope this will help!