OK, it looks like you may have a bad installation. (A "seg fault" is often [but not always] a result of a disk sector containg all zeros instaed of actual data. Either as a result of a bad HD sector [usuall ccaught by fsck during boot], or a bad RPM download.)
I'd suggest you uninsatll open office, and re-install it. Or just upgrade to FC4, which uses 2.0 Beta (I.e., oo-1.9) by default, and has a lot of other nice, cool, improvements over FC3.
To uninstall oo, try "yum erase openoffice" or whatever is listed when you do a "yum list openoffice." Then a "yum install openoffice" to reinsstall it. (The "erase" should delete the RPM from your cache, and force a new RPM download.)