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Old 08-08-2003, 04:42 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 36

Rep: Reputation: 15
Hacking Linux Mediacheck


I built a custom RedHat CD installation , and my initial menu selection (edited /isolinux/boot.msg) is Redhat Home, Redhat Work, Redhat Games and also a selection for mediacheck where in you enter "Linux mediacheck" .

Redhat home, work and games basically have different RPM's.

Now my problem is when i try to do Linux mediacheck from my initial screen , after the CD's are checked the control goes on with the native redhat9 interactive CD installation, which gives me the options of Personal desktop, server, worstation etc . But i want the control back to my custom installation stated above. How do i do this ?
Can i edit some files related to mediacheck so that when the program is exited i get control back to the main menus ??? OR is there any other method to check the integrity of the CD's via the install, would love to stick with the mediacheck though.

Thanks for any help .


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