glade anjuta C++
I need some help getting glade with anjuta to work with C++.
I have been working on this for almost a week and have done so many package installs of things it makes my head swim.
I have gotten glade to work with C and then I tried to get it to work with C++ and anjuta.
I am having all kinds of problems with it, from ./configure not working on some pacakges, to missing packages that I cannot find, to missing headers that seen to be there along with no paths to files that are there.
I have sent some emails to some of the list, so far 3 days without an answer.
A couple of help posts at the anjuta site, also no response.
I am somewhat new at linux (FC2, usijng it just about 100% of the time) , with about 3 months experience and am also into just learning C++ (Day 6 with SAMS teach yourself C++ for linux in 21 days). But I have over 20 years of programmiing skills with othere lanuages.
Any help or guidance would be most appreciated. I may have to be led around by the hand with this for a few steps and be prepared for some dumb like questions.
So if anyone has already done this and has it working or knows how to get it working, please spare me some time to help me out.
Thanks and best regards,