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Old 04-04-2006, 03:17 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2006
Posts: 33

Rep: Reputation: 15
extract a file for mplayer ?

hi, i'm a newby in linux. could anyone tell me step by step how to proceed and installing mplayer. that's the information that i have but i don't know how to extract file :

A quick step-by-step on installing MPlayer
Written by tw001_tw - 2006-01-21 20:17

This is FAR from an all enclusive how-to. Its a simple, and direct
step-by-step, with minimal options or optimizations. Your distro
may have anather way, this is the manual way (or atleast how I do it

All versions noted are current at the time of this writting. (1.21.06)

1st step - software you need.

MPlayer v1.0pre7try2 source - The program.
Download here:

all-20050412.tar.bz2 - Codecs.
Download here:

font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2 - Fonts.
Download here:

Corelian-1.1.tar.bz2 - Skins.
Download here:

NOTE: The 4 above links are direct to mplayer server.
These are the ones I use. If you want different skins, check
for newer files, or just want to read the official docs,

2nd step - Installation divided in to 4 parts: installation of
codecs, program, fonts, & skin.

codecs: Extract the file "all-20050412.tar.bz2" and copy its contents
into the directory /usr/local/lib/codecs/ . Do this BEFORE compiling
and installing MPlayer v1.0pre7try2.

program: Extract the file "MPlayer v1.0pre7try2" and enter that new
directory. Now type:
./configure --enable-gui
make install (or 'checkinstall' would be better if your running Slack).

fonts: Extract the files in font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2. This gives
you a few directories with fonts in them. Copy 1 set of fonts to the
directory /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/

skins: Extract the files in Corelian-1.1.tar.bz2. Copy these files to
the directory /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/default/

3rd step - Starting the program

Start the console and type ' gmplayer'. If all went well, it should be up
and running. If you use gmplayer frequently, you can make a link to the
exacutable on your desktop. Make it point to /usr/local/bin/gmplayer

4th step - Basic configuration

I usually only have to change 2 things in the configuration for it to work.

right click on the player (not the movie window), and click on 'preferences'.
On the video tab, I elect to use the " xv X11/Xv " video driver.

Also, under the Misc. tab, I have to tell it which drive my DVD player is. I
change it to /dev/hdd - as that is my dvd reader.

Byond this, the default configuration seems to work well for me.

Good luck!!!!!!
i have already done step one, how could i go trough extract and other. i went into cd /usr/local/lib and i don't find codec. please help. harys
Old 04-04-2006, 04:58 PM   #2
LQ Addict
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: London, UK
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 7,464

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
The codecs directory won't be there until you create it. You can do this with mkdir (as root):

# mkdir /usr/local/lib/codecs.

You can extract files .tar.bz2 files with tar, e.g.

$ tar xjvf all-20050412.tar.bz2.

See the man pages for more info about the above commands. This is done with

$ man command,

obviously replacing "command" with the appropriate command.


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