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Old 03-27-2004, 01:08 PM   #1
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encryption with Vim (vim -x)

I just discovered the -x option in vim. It seems like a somewhat useful feature, but I'm not sure how secure or versatile it is.
Opening a crypted file in vim prompts me for the password as I expected, and editing seems to work fine...but there are some things about it that I don't understand:

I attempted to view the file in a browser, and was asked if I wanted to download it. Does encrypting create a binary file? If so, would FTP'ing it as text break it?

Doing "cat file" messed up my terminal (ps1 and all input) with some crypted files, but not with others...does this show evidence of a bug, or is it normal?

Is this a Vim-only feature or does it work with Vi as well?

Just how secure is it?

Thanks for any input.
Old 04-06-2004, 08:32 AM   #2
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I tested the function and all signs tell me it is a binary file, so when sending over ftp the binary mode should be used.

I would guess it's a Vim feature.

type :help encryption in vim to get more information.
Old 03-07-2007, 10:00 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by ugge
I tested the function and all signs tell me it is a binary file, so when sending over ftp the binary mode should be used.

I would guess it's a Vim feature.

type :help encryption in vim to get more information.

yeh thts right i have minimal installed ,, i also tried with vi but i guess it just works for vim ,, may be because vim is an dvanced feature of vi and vi doesnt contain any encryption features!!!


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