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Old 08-10-2003, 11:12 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 36

Rep: Reputation: 15
Unhappy DVD playback problem using Xine

I've been trying to play some of my DVD's on Mandrake Linux 9.1 but I'm having some problems. When I go into my CD-ROM that's mounted (it's a DVD/CD-RW) it displays the files on the DVD (with file extensions like VOB). I've tried to open it using Xine but it won't work. I've tried troubleshooting using Xine's FAQ and here's what I got when I typed in xine -p dvd:// in the command line:

This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.9.18
(c) 2000-2003 by G. Bartsch and the xine project team.
Built with xine library 1.0.0 (1-beta4)
Found xine library version: 1.0.0 (1-beta4).
XServer Vendor: Mandrake Linux (XFree86 4.3, patch level 5mdk). Release: 40300000,
Protocol Version: 11, Revision: 0,
Available Screen(s): 1, using 0
Depth: 24.
-[ xiTK version 0.10.1 ]-
-[ WM type: (EWMH) KWIN {KWin} ]-
Display is not using Xinerama.
demux_sputext: initializing
main: probing <xv> video output plugin
video_out_xv: Xv extension is present but I couldn't find a usable yuv12 port.
Looks like your graphics hardware driver doesn't support Xv?!
load_plugins: failed to load video output plugin <xv>
main: probing <SyncFB> video output plugin
video_out_syncfb: aborting. (unable to open syncfb device "/dev/syncfb")
load_plugins: failed to load video output plugin <SyncFB>
main: probing <xshm> video output plugin

WARNING: current display depth is 24. For better performance
a depth of 16 bpp is recommended!

video_out_xshm: video mode depth is 24 (32 bpp), TrueColor, not swapped,
red: 00ff0000, green: 0000ff00, blue: 000000ff
yuv2rgb: using MMXEXT for colorspace transform
video_out: thread created
main: probing <oss> audio output plugin
audio_oss_out: Opening audio device...
audio_oss_out: using device >/dev/dsp<
audio_oss_out: using SNDCTL_DSP_GETODELAY
audio_oss_out : supported modes are mono stereo (4-channel not enabled in xine config) (5-channel not enabled in xine config) 5.1-channel
xine: xine_stream_new
xine: xine_stream_new
xine: xine_stream_new
xine: xine_stream_new
video_out_xshm: tried to get unsupported property 2
video_out_xshm: tried to set unsupported property 2
video_out_xshm: tried to get unsupported property 3
video_out_xshm: tried to set unsupported property 3
video_out_xshm: tried to get unsupported property 4
video_out_xshm: tried to set unsupported property 4
demux_sputext: open_plugin() called
xine: found input plugin : file input plugin
xine: found demuxer plugin: Elementary MPEG stream demux plugin
metronom: video discontinuity #1, type is 0, disc_off is 0
metronom: waiting for audio discontinuity #1
metronom: audio discontinuity #1, type is 0, disc_off 0
metronom: waiting for in_discontinuity update #1
metronom: video vpts adjusted with prebuffer to 73943
metronom: audio vpts adjusted with prebuffer to 73944
Using MMXEXT for IDCT transform
Using MMXEXT for motion compensation
xine: xine_play
xine: xine_play_internal ...done
yuv2rgb: using generic scale_line with interpolation
demux_sputext: open_plugin() called
xine: found input plugin : file input plugin
xine: found demuxer plugin: Elementary MPEG stream demux plugin
metronom: audio discontinuity #2, type is 0, disc_off 0
metronom: waiting for in_discontinuity update #2
metronom: video discontinuity #2, type is 0, disc_off is 0
metronom: video vpts adjusted with prebuffer to 88869
metronom: audio vpts adjusted with prebuffer to 88879
xine: xine_play
xine: xine_play_internal ...done
yuv2rgb: using non-scaled optimized scale_line

I'm not sure what this means, I'm fairly new to Linux. Can anyone help me? Is my video card not compliant because when I go into settings and under video it says there is no configuration option available at this user experience level. Help!!!


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