cups Error "CUPS daemon has died"
OK. I ma confused. I have been looking over the Threads on CUPS problems and have not seen on like this. I have been using SUSE 9.1 for a few months. No problems with the printing. HP deskjet630C. All of a sudden the other day my printer disappeared from the printer list. I went back and set it back up using YAST and as I got to the test the error "CUPS daemon died" please check that CUPS is installed properly or Printer turned on". The printer is on, CUPS is installed correctly (according to YAST). I do not see any prcesses hangin using TOP or ps -A | grep cups. The printer si showing up in the hardware dtection but I can not get it to accept the test. CUPS keeps crashing. Have looked at Suse FAQ on CUPS and they do not list a problem with this, or like this. Any suggestions????? I am Perplexed????? Need to print documents...... Thanks for all or any help