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Old 06-07-2005, 07:23 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2004
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complete noob questions

i'm not even a noob yet, but here's my questions/scenario.

i have a small network that is all microsoft (mail/dns/dhcp etc.) and i hate all the bugs and quirks. i'm looking to move to linux to help with stability.

i'm wondering how the infrastructure works on a linux servers. i'd like to run a linux mail server and dns/dhcp at the least. and probably not change any of the desktop side. so can i run Outlook on the desktop and still run linux mail server? and are there any ramifications of speed or compatibility with respect to the desktop side?

any suggestions or info is appreciated.
Old 06-07-2005, 08:05 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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welcome to LQ!!!

yeah, you can use windows outlook clients with linux mail servers...

for simple dns/dhcp, take a look at dnsmasq:

for full-blown dns check-out bind:

for the mail server maybe look at postfix:

the sites should have some good links to documentation...

i recommend you use a test box to build your linux skills on first before you go "live" with the linux server... if you are "not even a noob yet" then there's PLENTY of reading and practicing ahead of you before you get to the point where you can safely handle these kinda projects...

this is your new best friend:

of course this website (LQ) is also one of the greatest resources available for linux users, and it's good you've opened an account here...

i wish you the best buddy, and once again: WELCOME!!!
Old 06-07-2005, 08:33 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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hey win32sux-
thanks a ton for the info. i'll look into those site. my boss will be paying for any training or classes i want, and i can drum up some test servers to build a test domain.
i'm sure you'll see me here a lot.
thanks again-

Old 06-08-2005, 12:54 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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quick question-
the first thing i'd like to do is turn off my microsuk DNS and use linux. i'm wondering if i can easily (a relative term, i know!) integrate that solution.

Old 06-08-2005, 01:27 PM   #5
LQ Guru
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what would you need the DNS daemon to do?? like, is it just for providing DNS service to the LAN, or are you running full-blown DNS servers on the Internet??
Old 06-08-2005, 01:30 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
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just LAN application. i've been chasing bad DNS issues for a year, and have even had 2 consultants look at it. to no avail.

i have a LAN with 2 spoke sites that have a dedicated VPN using a T1. there's only about 15 nodes on the LAN, 2 nodes at each spoke.
Old 06-08-2005, 01:45 PM   #7
LQ Guru
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okay then what you want is probably dnsmasq...

read the description at the website and i think you'll agree it fits your needs...

BTW, it's one of the easiest programs to run on linux...

basically speaking, once you have it installed, it's just a matter of executing the command:
it will then start listening on port 53/UDP and providing DNS to your LAN (of course there's several options you can provide the command with)... it will use your ISP's DNS servers as listed in /etc/resolv.conf... to add LAN DNS entries just add them to the /etc/hosts file and they will be made available to the LAN... the format is the usual (IP host.domain alias), for example:
Code: pc11.zone2 pc11
i have been using dnsmasq on some windows LANs for a while and i am very happy with it...

the command i use to start dnsmasq is usually:
dnsmasq -o -r /etc/resolv.masq
the "-r resolv.masq" tells it to use the DNS servers i've placed in the file resolv.masq (instead of the default /etc/resolv.conf) and the "-o" just tells it to use the servers in strict order... nothing fancy...

i've also configured my firewall (netfilter/iptables) to allow incoming DNS queries to the dnsmasq box only on the LAN interface and only from the LAN IP's and MAC addresses...

Last edited by win32sux; 06-08-2005 at 02:01 PM.
Old 06-08-2005, 01:52 PM   #8
LQ Newbie
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Location: san diego
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you are KING!
i'll do my research and blast my boss with it. i'm sure he'll have no problem with it.
this just made my day.

Old 06-08-2005, 01:59 PM   #9
LQ Guru
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no problem man, let me know how it goes... any other questions you have about the DNS and DHCP linux services i'll be glad to help... as for the mail service, i kinda suck at that and don't have much experience but i'll do my best to point you in the right direction and either way there's other (more experienced) folks subscribed to this thread which can give you a hand also so you will be fine... good luck man, i wish you the best with your linux project!!!

BTW, i've never used dnsmasq's DHCP capabilities... i always just use the standard DHCP daemon (the one which is included in almost every distro): it's also really simple to set-up...

Last edited by win32sux; 06-08-2005 at 02:09 PM.


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