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Old 07-09-2012, 09:50 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2012
Posts: 34

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
cman service stucks during booting of cluster node (RedHat Cluster Suite)

Hi All,

I am facing some issues with startup of cluster nodes after configuring a node two cluster using xen virtualization and redhat cluster suite. The issue is that when i fence any of the cluster nodes using fence_xvm or by using conga interface , the cluster host while booting up gets stucked at starting the fencing component of the cman service . The boot process got halts there . Same happens when I reboot the host. But if do chkconfig cman off and start the cman service after the host completely boots , then cman service start successfully without any delay including the fencing component . So , my understanding is that there is some dependency for fencing component of cman service which is available after the host boots up . I am using xen fencing and iptables is disabled on both the nodes.

Please provide suggestions/steps how to troubleshoot this.



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