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Old 12-07-2008, 09:48 AM   #1
sumit dash
Registered: Jul 2007
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Question Anti virus software for linux

Hi frnds,

Is there any antivirus software , which can be installed in Linux .

Recently i had a argue with my frnd , who said that there are many antivirus softwares whcih can e installed in linux , but i know that linux is a secure operating system and it doesnot reuire any antivitus for it so please clear my doubt.

Thank You
Old 12-07-2008, 09:59 AM   #2
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I don't know about "many", but there are several, ClamAV is probably the best known. Their only use, as far as I know is to catch Windows viruses so you don't circulate them back to your benighted friend. If anyone ever does get a Linux virus working in the wild, I'm sure it would catch that, too.

Unless you're running a server, I wouldn't worry about it.
Old 12-07-2008, 06:39 PM   #3
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Clam AntiVirus

avast! antivirus for Linux/Unix Servers

AVG Free - Download installation files & documentation

There is really no need unless you share files with friends that run windows or you run a mail server.

Linux Security: Securing and Hardening Linux Production Systems (Linux Security Cookbook / HOWTO / Guide)

Linux is more about not running services you do not need, keep unused ports closed, and making sure root access to your system is as locked down as possible,.
Old 12-07-2008, 07:05 PM   #4
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To me, it is obvious that Microsoft receives huge kickbacks from the "anti-virus" companies. I can imagine no other reason why they otherwise would publish copies of "Home editions" in which the user is by-default an all powerful Administrator, and the necessary tools to use Windows' formidable security-architecture are simply not there.

The word "virus" sounds wonderfully appealing, because in the biological world "viruses" are things that can infect you whether you want them to or not, and the only defense is a constant one. Computers are not biological organisms.

Any modern operating system (including Windows versions "NT or later" ... not "Me" or "9x") supports a notion of "ownership" and "permissions." If you are logged-on as an ordinary user, programs that you may (intentionally or unknowingly...) run literally cannot damage the system, because they are not permitted to do so.

So, that's what you do: log-on as an ordinary user, except when you are knowingly modifying the system. Learn about and use the automatic backup software (removable hard-drives are cheap). No matter how "clever" or "sly" a rogue-program may be ... "the answer is No."
Old 12-07-2008, 07:27 PM   #5
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A friend of mine that builds secure systems he uses it on his servers so he can tell what is going to his customers. A virus in linux you will have to build them log in a a super user and install it. so yes some one can build a program that( you ) will break your computer with.


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