I want a Gentoo / WindowsXP multiboot. A few weeks ago I made a multiboot with Gentoo and Windows on the same harddisk, but Windows ONLY wants to boot if it has it's OWN master boot record
So, I decided to buy a new harddisk. One harddisk for Windows, and one for Linux. The fact is, I don't want to use windows, but I need it for my education.
I installed Gentoo and LiLo on the primary master. I kept the Windows disk the same as it was, and changed jumper settings to primairy slave. I setted up lilo.conf, with
and ran /sbin/lilo. No problem, LiLo was installed.
I (unmounted everything) and rebooted. LiLo starts, greatness.
When I choose to boot Gentoo, it boots gentoo.
When I choose to boot Windows, it doesn't boot Windows and hangs
I decided to try some other settings in lilo.conf, like /dev/hdb5 and 6 instead of /dev/hdb1. That didn't work either.
I guess the problem is that ****** Windows doesn't want to boot from the slave disk
Who can help?
Edit: When I dissasemble the Linux disk and replace it with the Windows disk, it boots Windows. So that's not the problem.