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Old 03-08-2008, 05:38 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 18

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How to increase tmp partition - mount loop device


I've installed linux server (Linux Version 2.6.18-1.2798. fc6) with small /tmp partition (it happens that it is 100% full).

So, I've decided to create my own loop device on /var partition (which is very large) and replace /tmp partition with that

new partition on loop device.

I've done these steps:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/disk-image count=204800000
mkfs.ext3 -q /var/disk_image
mkdir /virtual_fs
mount -o loop=/dev/loop0 /var/disk-image /virtual_fs

(These last two commands are only for testing and everthing works ok - I see partition with df -h, can read and write to it).

Here is the problem: what line do I need to to put in /etc/fstab so that partition is mounted at startup?
I tried with:

/var/disk-image /virtual_fs ext3 rw,loop,auto 0 0

, and got error on startup:

Mounting local file system: /var/disk_image Permission denied

I also have tried with other options in fstab with same result.

I need to fix this so that I can remove from fstab line for /tmp partition and replace it with line:

/var/disk-image /tmp rw,loop,auto 0 0

Can anybody help me with this?

Old 03-08-2008, 07:52 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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After manually mounting the filesystem, use "chown root.root /var/root-image" and "sudo chmod a=rwxt" so the permissions match what /tmp should be.

I wonder if you put your line in the bottom of /etc/fstab if it would work. I have an ISO image of my distro's install dvd on a separate partition and it mounts automatically. I use this as the installation disk, so I don't have to insert the dvd. Being on a separate partition, I can reinstall if I want to after booting with a small cdrom disc.
Old 03-10-2008, 09:27 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 18

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It's not only a problem with /tmp partition. I can't add any line to fstab to mount any loop device at startup. I tried with some other partition for holding any files. Searching on internet I found that most people add line with "noauto" options so that loop device isn't mounted at startup? Is this "must do it that way" or? If I could figer out for any partitions on loop device I would start from that and go on /tmp partition.

Could it be mounting it before /var is mounted? Or is still read-only?



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