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Old 10-28-2011, 07:08 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2011
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 4

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Having wvdial running and to send and recieve sms at the same time

Hi, I running an Slackware 13.1 linux router and want to having the internet running (with wvdial) and to send and recieve sms with gnokii at the same time (to check the balance). An example when I try to send an sms while wvdial is running:

# echo "saldo" | sudo gnokii --config .gnokiirc --sendsms 4466
GNOKII Version 0.6.29
Device already locked with /var/lock/LCK..ttyUSB0.
Lock file error. Exiting.
Device is locked and cannot be unlocked.

As I understand, the problem is that the device is locked. I don't know if there are any workarounds for this problem but I found this probably related thread:

"> Also, can Gnokii/SMSd share serial port with other appplications? For
> example I would like to use GPRS with wvidial for connecting to th
> Internet and at the same time send and receive SMS. Is such a setup
> possible? (AFAIK, wvdial will place a lock on serial device on
> connection)

No. Serial port is used exclusivly. It would be possible to change it
but it would require to have a daemon running in the background and
the applications (like wvdial, pppd, gnokii) connecting to that daemon
and not directly to the port. "

Is there any chance to get this configuration to work?

Thank you.


gnokii, sms, wvdial

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