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Old 12-22-2010, 05:58 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2008
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dns caching server issue

hi. i have installed bind on my virtual machine of centos on my windows system. after installing and making necessary changes i started the service. Now after checking the status of the named the two lines appear as shown below
rndc: no server specified and no default
named is pid (number) running
and the server is not caching and that i checked using dig
dig always gives me the defautl gateway address or the proxy server i am using. any one would like to shed some light of experience on that
Old 12-22-2010, 07:59 AM   #2
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bind for caching dns

The better solution is to install and configure DNSMASQ instead of bind. It is specifically made for what you want to do, and that makes it much easier.
Old 12-22-2010, 09:34 AM   #3
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i have installed bind on my virtual machine of centos on my windows system
I am curious as what your objective for doing so is and was wondering if you would please elaborate on your goals? A name server is (all but) a requirement for proper network and for Internet access. Consequently, it is something that should really be run on a dedicated platform that will have high up time and sufficient resources to handle the load. This is not what I think of when you say running Linux in a virtual machine inside of Windows.

The "rndc: no server specified and no default" sounds like you have something set wrong in one of the the named.conf files. Look in your system log, daemon log, or if you enabled it in your Bind log for error messages. You may need to "restart" bind and then look for an error messages. You can post the errors and your configuration files here if you would like help resolving the problem.
Old 12-23-2010, 06:18 AM   #4
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I am doing this just on experiemental basis and in future I am going to run it on a proper platform like you just said Mr. Noway
Old 12-23-2010, 09:07 AM   #5
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That is a perfectly acceptable and a very worthy goal. I asked mostly because if your intent was educational, simply working around the problem (e.g. using DNSMasq) doesn't achieve much. With that in mind, lets see if we can debug what is happening.

For starters, what is in your logs after you restart Bind? Look in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages (whichever you have) or possibly even daemon.log. You can post the results in a code block or as an attachment to your post. Search for either named or bind and see what kind of error you are getting. Like I said in my earlier post, you probably have an error in you configuration file, but you may also have a permissions problem, which could be related to not having the Bind user configured right. When bind tries to start it will create some files in /var/run/pid and if it can't then you can get this error too. You can also run into apparent permissions issues if you have SELinux or Apparmour running that prevents access to the directory.

The first step to diagnose this will be to get the log information.

Last edited by Noway2; 12-23-2010 at 09:08 AM. Reason: typo
Old 12-24-2010, 01:47 AM   #6
Registered: Jun 2008
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Originally Posted by Noway2 View Post
That is a perfectly acceptable and a very worthy goal. I asked mostly because if your intent was educational, simply working around the problem (e.g. using DNSMasq) doesn't achieve much. With that in mind, lets see if we can debug what is happening.

For starters, what is in your logs after you restart Bind? Look in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages (whichever you have) or possibly even daemon.log. You can post the results in a code block or as an attachment to your post. Search for either named or bind and see what kind of error you are getting. Like I said in my earlier post, you probably have an error in you configuration file, but you may also have a permissions problem, which could be related to not having the Bind user configured right. When bind tries to start it will create some files in /var/run/pid and if it can't then you can get this error too. You can also run into apparent permissions issues if you have SELinux or Apparmour running that prevents access to the directory.

The first step to diagnose this will be to get the log information.
Well i have tried dnsmasq and it is working fine. but i want to use and work with bind. As you asked for the logs here is the link.
check out the logs and
see if you can detect the problem
Old 12-26-2010, 09:04 PM   #7
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Looking through the log files I see several errors that are causing you problems. Here are some examples:
You have a syntax error in your named.conf on or near line 66
Dec 23 14:39:05 test named: /etc/named.conf:66: missing ';' before 'internal'
Dec 23 14:39:05 test named: /etc/named.conf:66: open: /var/named/
Dec 23 14:39:05 test named: };
Dec 23 14:39:05 test named: view : file not found
Dec 23 14:42:18 test named: /var/named/ unknown option '@'
Dec 23 14:42:18 test named: /etc/named.conf:65: unexpected token near '}'
Another error in named.conf *note there are others, such as on line 14
/etc/named.conf:57: open: /var/named.root: file not found
Dec 23 14:25:53 test named: /var/named/named.root:2: '}' expected near ';'
Dec 23 14:28:41 test named: /etc/named.root:2: '}' expected near ';
Not really an error, but a possible indication your header isn't quite right
slaves/ no TTL specified; using SOA MINTTL instead
Are you trying to run a master and slave server?
zone refresh: non-authoritative answer from master (source
Perhaps ok, but consider it a warning
zone refresh: non-authoritative answer from master (source
This makes it sounds like Bind may not be running as their is either a permissions problem or the port is still closed. I somewhat expect the errors on ipv6 addresses, but not on ipv4. You may have a permissions problem because there were some messages about /var/run (the pid) location. Make sure your permissions are set on the directory and the group/user (named) is set on bind.
connection refused resolving '':
Be careful with this one. I don't think want to run a PUBLICLY authoritative server, at least yet:
listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
Here are a couple of links to some DNS how-tos that I found very helpful. With these, I had bind up and running within a couple of hours after installing Ubuntu Server (command line only) on my first attempt.
Link1: How-To on Bind
Link2: Making bind work with DHCP for dynamic updates on your LAN


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