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Old 07-17-2007, 02:21 PM   #1
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Registered: Feb 2004
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How can I allow only ips I specify to connect on port 6433 with IPtables?

How can I allow only ips I specify to connect to a certain port?

Such as if I have a service running on port 6433.

All other traffic should be allowed.
Old 07-17-2007, 03:44 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2006
Location: Ontario, Canada
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 448

Rep: Reputation: 35
I'm definitely no networking expert, but I believe /etc/hosts.allow fulfills this function. I don't know about port-specificity however - I think that would just be handled by the service itself, whatever port it's set to run on will be covered by the service's entry in hosts.allow.

You can specify IPs to allow connections from, service by service. for example, this:
sshd: 192.168.0.*
would allow any IP that matches to login with ssh.

"les jeux son fait - translation: the game is up! your ass is mine!"

lol great nick.


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