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Old 11-26-2003, 12:18 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Glendale AZ
Distribution: Slackware 10
Posts: 153

Rep: Reputation: 30
Angry Arp packets and Wifi Promisc mode

I've been trying to get arp packets out to my router in hopes that if I send out arps, I will get back more encrypted packets, thus, getting more interesting packets, etc.

My router has WEP. I can see the packets go by on the router though.This is done by associating the wifi card with the SSID of the router with iwconfig and using tcpdump.

The problem is that I use arp-sk to send the arps and when I put eth1 in monitor mode libnet bitches and moans about not being able to find eth1 (my wifi card ether) It's up though.

Anyone know how to send arp packets when the wifi card is in promisc mode?
Old 12-06-2003, 10:02 AM   #2
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Registered: Mar 2003
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From my understanding of how promiscuous (monitor) mode works, I don't think you'll be able to send ARPs to the AP. First I don't think you can even transmit normal traffic when your wireless card is in monitor mode (could be wrong though). Second in order to send ARPs to a WEP encrypted network, you'll have to know the WEP key and be associated with the AP which I believe is by definition mutually exclusive with being in monitor mode.


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