VirtualBox - Android x86 Installation Issue
I've been trying to get Android x86 Marshmallow installed in a VirtualBox VM. The installation finishes and I get to boot into the OS. The problem is that whenever I reboot the system, I end up booting back to the installation menu where I choose to start as a live user or install the OS... as if I didn't install it in the first place.
I had this problem with Fedora 25. Same issue, but I was able to resolve it. Under "storage" in VirtualBox, the tree had two storage types: Controller IDE and Controller SATA. The .iso was under the IDE and the .vdi was under the SATA. I deleted the .iso and I was able to boot into Fedora.
However, the Android x86 system had both the .vdi and .iso under Controller IDE. I tried deleting the .iso after installing, but the system fails to boot up after that.