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Old 09-18-2012, 07:17 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2012
Posts: 5

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unable to run video with hardware capabilities on pandaboard

I am trying to run xbmc on Pandaboard. Here are the steps I followed

1. installed ubuntu 12.04 (armhf) from

2. installed ubuntu-omap-extras (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-omap-extras) after adding TI PPA

3. sudo apt-get install xinit xbmc

4. now I can see if I try to run xinit it gives me error (Xorg log is at

5. I observed omaplfb and pvrsrvkm modules are not loaded so before calling xinit I try loading them and found both to be loaded but while loading omaplfb I got segmentation fault (though lsmod shows the module been loaded)

6. Kernel log can be found at

I have been trying this for a month and tried various way to make it up and running.

Any suggestion or comment will be highly appreciated and definitely would be a great help for me.

Also, if anyone can point me out the working kernel + FS (ubuntu or debian) repository for Pandaboard (not ES version) will be an ultimate help. I need source code for working image as later I have some plan to modify some features.

Thanks in advance.
Old 09-19-2012, 09:23 PM   #2
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Is that a PowerVR chipset?! That's the beginning of your problem. Those chips are a PITA (pain in the ...) to get video running...

Found this at the Pandaboard wiki...


ubuntu 12.04

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