Hi There
I am trying to execute a .sh script, however when I go to submit I get the following response:
./test.sh: line 1: /opt/ca/APM/Introscope10.2.0.27/logs/IntroscopeWebView.log: Permission denied
I am able to get in that directory quite easily using cd as shown below:
[rp1cem@wycvlapph036 logs]$ pwd
[rp1cem@wycvlapph036 logs]$
The directory I am able to run as well:
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 81393779 Mar 27 10:12 IntroscopeWebView.log
Any particular reason why this isn't executing. I have provided an example of my code below:
users_connected=`/opt/ca/APM/Introscope10.2.0.27/logs/IntroscopeWebView.log | awk '{name[$11]++} END {for (i in name) print i,name[i]}' | sort -n -k 2`
echo $user_connected
Many thanks for your help in advance