trying to set up bluetooth USB dongle...please help!
I am very new to Linux and using Mandrake 10.1.
I was reading a howto which says to run 'hciconfig' to check the status of the bluetooth device. When I type hciconfig I get 'hciconfig: command not found'.
I read somewhere else to try 'make menuconfig' to solve this problem, but this gives me: 'No rule to make target 'menuconfig'. Stop.'
I have downloaded BluezUtils and BluezLibs (although they werent rpm files), and i did make and make install on them. I read in the readme files that these need other files to work, so I also downloaded and ran make install on : gcc, yacc, flex, libncurses-devel-5.3.1, and glibc-devel-2.3.3 (although this last one came up with an error 'some package requested cannot be installed: (due to unsatisfied glibc[==6:2.3.3-21mdk])'
Im completely lost! please help step by step!
thanks alot