Setting up local DNS domain name
I realize this maybe a bit ambitious, but what the hey. I am currently attempting to witch all of my (3) servers from Win2000 server to Suse 9.2 Pro. I am in the processing fo upgrading what was the AD/DC server. I am wondering, in the creation of Win2000's DNS, you could specify a DNS domain ending in ".local" if you didn't actually have a registered domain name. I was wondering if this is possibile with Suse, and if so, is there some sort of tutorial for it? I searched for iit on Google as best I could, and couldn't find anything particularly helpful. I somewhat know how to configure BIND, which Suse uses, from the command line, so it doesn't have to be all GUI. Using ".local" domain names may be limited to Win2000/ctive Directory, andif this is so, then I'll investigate other means of DNS. I just wanted to setup a small server for my home network.
Suggestions? Thanks.