Originally Posted by Kustom42
You could do a find with an xargs but if you give some more detailed info with examples of what you are trying to do we can give you more specific examples of the code to write.
For example, if I have a structure of folders like dir1>dir2>dir3, I would like to rename it to look like this: appappappapp>appappappapp>appappappapp
I have tried some commands like:
find . -depth -name "*[a-zA-Z0-9]*" -exec bash -c 'dir=${1%/*} base=${1##*/}; mv "$1" "$dir/${base//app/ }"' _ {} \;
find /path/to/folder -print0 | xargs -0 mv [a-zA-Z0-9] app
and also the script from
http://slash4.de/tutorials/Linux_ren...ders_recursive, but did not get the desired result. Perhaps my syntax is wrong.