Intro: On my quest to master the Linux command line I enrolled in a Linux class. Assistance provided will aid me in answering this Linux challenge.
I am a firm believer in teaching how to fish vs. get a fish. So I researched for two days. Unfortunately all the stuff I found did not quite address my unique problem or I am not understanding a concept; hence me being here.
Problem: A user copied some image files to ~/Image/folder. After she transferred the images the user deleted the files. I am to recover the deleted files. I was not told any other information like the name of the files/folder.
Research: Upon research I read about the following downloaded applications that would make this task a no-brainier:
- Testdesk
- Photorec
- etc
BUT the problem is I am required to use tools that came with the distro.
It didn't look like extundelete or ext3undel was install; no man page found. I did however find 'dd' and 'debugfs' but I am not sure how those would be helpful.
I tried using '
debugfs' but couldn't get it to work. I could find /dev mount point. After running the 'df' on the distro the following is the output:
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted On
rootfts 908.9M 457.7M 451.2M 50% /
tmpts 908.9M 457.7M 451.2M 50% /
tmpts 504.9M 0 504.9M 0% /dev/shm
{Can someone explain this?}
- Then I tried running the following command {Not sure if this is could help}: 'debugfs /usr/kayt' and got the following error: 'Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while opening filesytem'
Then I tried: grep -b 'search-text' /dev/partition > file.txt
but again there is no /dev to umount.
I am not sure whatelse to do so please help. I am a newbie to Linux so please keep your comments straight forward. I have a very basic knowledge of the OS so please provide example of syntax when replying. Thanks for your help.