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Old 06-19-2003, 11:05 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Distribution: linEx
Posts: 2

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problems with X server on Think Pad 390

Have apparently installed Debian 3 (Woody), with a kernel 2.4.20 on a Pentium II ThinkPad 390, at last that's what the message said at the end. I now get on rebooting an X server error, unable to start X server. So, I'm stuck with text mode.
1. Do I have to reconfigure the XF86 thingy?. If so, how.
2. how can I find out what kind of graphic ard I have.
3. Do I need another driver? Where can I get it and how can I install it? (This machine, obviously, is not connected to the internet)
I am really stuck, please help, in words of one syllable.

Old 06-20-2003, 06:19 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2001
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Re: problems with X server on Think Pad 390

Originally posted by LinEx
Have apparently installed Debian 3 (Woody), with a kernel 2.4.20 on a Pentium II ThinkPad 390, at last that's what the message said at the end. I now get on rebooting an X server error, unable to start X server. So, I'm stuck with text mode.
1. Do I have to reconfigure the XF86 thingy?. If so, how.
2. how can I find out what kind of graphic ard I have.
3. Do I need another driver? Where can I get it and how can I install it? (This machine, obviously, is not connected to the internet)
I got a thinkpad myself and had no problems with it (but it is a newer beast).
I know that they sometimes give trouble.

1. Yes, it looks like you do have to reconfigure it. Find a tool that does that for you on your system. I don't have a clue what you use on Debian, because I mainly use redhat and there it is redhat-config-xfree[something]

2. You can go into the /proc/ directory and make "cat pci". That should show you what the kernal has recognized in your pci slots, meaning that you gfx card will be there too.

3. Don't know if you need another driver. It could also be that some settings are screwed up and therefore the X server does not start. What does it say? What is the error?


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