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12-01-2010, 04:09 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 18
problem with running tcl for mobile ipv6
i have installed ns2.33 and added mobiwan , i tried to run tcl script after modifyng simple tcl which i have got along mobiwan patch, but the problem is after creating some nodes and setting their positions in the tcl, according to my topology, i tried to run , but the command i have included in tcl , which sets the positions for mobile nodes, has no effect , which means that the positions of the mobile nodes is already fixed , trough tcl i am not able to change , and also each time when i run nam , different positions mobile nodes taking, and also the mobile node is not moving , even if i have given mobility to it, at different time , i have given different destinations.
this is part of tcl in which i have set positions mobile node.
set cn_ [create-router 0.0.0]
set router_ [create-router 1.0.0]
set bs1_ [create-base-station 1.1.0 1.0.0 200 200 0]
set bs2_ [create-base-station 1.2.0 1.1.0 200 600 0]
set bs3_ [create-base-station 1.3.0 1.2.0 600 200 0]
set bs4_ [create-base-station 1.4.0 1.3.0 600 600 0]
set bs5_ [create-base-station 1.4.1 1.4.0 700 700 0]
set mobile_ [create-mobile 1.1.1 1.1.0 190 190 0 1 0.01]
mobility for mobile node
# set-ping-int 0.1 $cn_ $mobile_ 10 $opt(stop)
# set-ping-int 0.1 $cn_ $mobile_ 10 $opt(stop)
#start movement to pos(x,y) with velocity v
$ns at 5.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 200 10"
#MN move again to BS2#####
$ns at 15.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 300 10"
$ns at 25.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 400 10"
$ns at 35.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 500 10"
$ns at 45.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 600 10"
$ns at 55.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 500 10"
$ns at 65.0 "$mobile_ setdest 400 400 10"
$ns at 75.0 "$mobile_ setdest 300 300 10"
$ns at 85.0 "$mobile_ setdest 500 250 10"
$ns at 95.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 175 10"
$ns at 105.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 200 10"
this is the complete tcl code
# Basic Mobile IPv6 example without using ns-topoman
# Needs proc defined in file proc-mipv6-config.tcl
Agent/MIPv6/MN set bs_forwarding_ 0 ; # 1 if forwarding from previous BS
proc log-mn-movement_no_topo { } {
global logtimer ns
Class LogTimer -superclass Timer
LogTimer instproc timeout {} {
global mobile_
$mobile_ log-movement
$self sched 1
set logtimer [new LogTimer]
$logtimer sched 1
# Create Topology
proc create-my-topo {} {
global ns opt topo mobile_ cn_ mnn_nodes_
# Create and define topography
set topo [new Topography]
# set prop [new $opt(prop)]
# $prop topography $topo
$topo load_flatgrid 1500 1500
# god is a necessary object when wireless is used
# set to a value equal to the number of mobile nodes
create-god 8
# Call node-config
$ns node-config \
-addressType hierarchical \
-agentTrace ON \
-routerTrace ON
# Set NS Addressing
AddrParams set domain_num_ 2
AddrParams set cluster_num_ {1 5}
AddrParams set nodes_num_ {1 1 3 1 1 2}
# Create Nodes
set cn_ [create-router 0.0.0]
set router_ [create-router 1.0.0]
set bs1_ [create-base-station 1.1.0 1.0.0 200 200 0]
set bs2_ [create-base-station 1.2.0 1.1.0 200 600 0]
set bs3_ [create-base-station 1.3.0 1.2.0 600 200 0]
set bs4_ [create-base-station 1.4.0 1.3.0 600 600 0]
set bs5_ [create-base-station 1.4.1 1.4.0 700 700 0]
set mobile_ [create-mobile 1.1.1 1.1.0 190 190 0 1 0.01]
# Create Links
# $ns duplex-link $cn_ $router_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $router_ $bs1_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $router_ $bs2_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $router_ $bs3_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $router_ $bs4_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $bs4_ $bs5_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# Create Links
$ns duplex-link $cn_ $router_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $router_ $bs1_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs1_ $bs2_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs2_ $bs3_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs3_ $bs4_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs4_ $bs5_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs5_ $cn_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# End of Simulation
proc finish { } {
global tracef ns namf opt mobile_ cn_
puts "Simulation finished"
# Dump the Binding Update List of MN and Binding Cache of HA
[[$mobile_ set ha_] set regagent_] dump
[$cn_ set regagent_] dump
[$mobile_ set regagent_] dump
$ns flush-trace
flush $tracef
close $tracef
close $namf
#puts "running nam with $opt(namfile) ... "
exec nam $opt(namfile) &
#exec nam $opt(namfile) &
#exec awk -f loss.awk flow=0 src=0 dst=4 > loss.xgr
#exec awk -f all.awk > All.xgr
#exec awk -f mn.awk > MN.xgr
#exec awk -f mn2.awk > MN2.xgr
#exec awk -f bs2.awk > BS2.xgr
#exec awk -f bs1.awk > BS1.xgr
#exec awk -f all_results.awk > allresults.xgr
#exec awk -f throughput.awk flow=0 src=0 dst=4 > thr.xgr
#exec xgraph All.xgr MN.xgr &
#BS1.xgr BS2.xgr thr.xgr &
# exec xgraph allresults.xgr &
exit 0
# Main
proc main { } {
global opt ns TOPOM namf n tracef mobile_ cn_
# Source Files
# source set-def-options.tcl
# set BASEDIR to your own correct path
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-mipv6-config.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-tools.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-topo.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/ns-topoman.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-mobi-global.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-mobi-config.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/mobility/timer.tcl
set NAMF out.nam
set opt(mactrace) ON
set opt(NAM) 1
set opt(namfile) $NAMF
set opt(stop) 100
set opt(tracefile) $TRACEF
#>--------------- Extract options from command line ---------------<
#Getopt ; # Get option from the command line
#>---------------------- Simulator Settings ----------------------<
set ns [new Simulator]
Simulator set EnableHierRt_ 1
#>------------------------ Open trace files ----------------------<
exec rm -f $opt(tracefile)
set tracef [open $opt(tracefile) w]
#... dump the file
$ns trace-all $tracef
set namf [open $opt(namfile) w]
$ns namtrace-all $namf
#>------------- Protocol and Topology Settings -------------------<
# set-ping-int 0.1 $cn_ $mobile_ 10 $opt(stop)
# set-ping-int 0.1 $cn_ $mobile_ 10 $opt(stop)
#start movement to pos(x,y) with velocity v
$ns at 5.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 200 10"
#MN move again to BS2#####
$ns at 15.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 300 10"
$ns at 25.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 400 10"
$ns at 35.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 500 10"
$ns at 45.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 600 10"
$ns at 55.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 500 10"
$ns at 65.0 "$mobile_ setdest 400 400 10"
$ns at 75.0 "$mobile_ setdest 300 300 10"
$ns at 85.0 "$mobile_ setdest 500 250 10"
$ns at 95.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 175 10"
$ns at 105.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 200 10"
#>----------------------- Run Simulation -------------------------<
$ns at $opt(stop) "finish"
$ns run
$ns dump-topology $namf
close $namf
#puts "running nam with $opt(namfile) ... "
#exec nam $opt(namfile) &
proc set-cbr { } {
global ns cn_ mobile_
set udp [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $cn_ $udp
set dst [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $mobile_ $dst
$ns connect $udp $dst
set src [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$src set packetSize_ 1000
$src set rate_ 100k
$src set interval_ 0.05
$src attach-agent $udp
$ns at 01.0 "$src start"
can somebody please tell me why its happening
Last edited by manjunath11; 12-01-2010 at 04:11 AM.
12-04-2010, 02:12 PM
LQ 5k Club
Registered: Jan 2008
Location: Copenhagen DK
Distribution: PCLinuxOS2023 Fedora38 + 50+ other Linux OS, for test only.
Posts: 17,519
'ns file.tcl' : The result looks OK.
(Nam will display a different pattern, each time the command is run.)
***** Did you use the NAM play button ?
I have rearranged your text : A "725 character" line is not very readable.
I have installed ns-2.33 and added mobiwan, I tried to run tcl script
after modifyng simple tcl, which I have got along mobiwan patch.
But the problem is :
After creating some nodes and setting their positions in the tcl,
according to my topology, I tried to run.
But the command I have included in tcl, which sets the positions for
mobile nodes, has no effect.
Which means that the positions of the mobile nodes is already fixed.
Trough tcl I am not able to change, and also :
Each time when I run nam, different positions mobile nodes taking.
And also the mobile node is not moving, even if I have given mobility to it,
at different time, I have given different destinations.
This is part of tcl in which I have set positions mobile node.
But is not easy to understand, what you mean.
Please expand the text to some further explanation.
Last edited by knudfl; 12-04-2010 at 02:16 PM.
12-05-2010, 08:07 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 18
Original Poster
yes i used the NAM play button,
But is not easy to understand, what you mean.
Please expand the text to some further explanation.
whatever coordinates i set for nodes, its not taking,
for example in the code below, i have set coordinates (200,200) for all nodes.
set cn_ [create-router 0.0.0]
set router_ [create-router 1.0.0]
set bs1_ [create-base-station 1.1.0 1.0.0 200 200 0]
set bs2_ [create-base-station 1.2.0 1.1.0 200 200 0]
set bs3_ [create-base-station 1.3.0 1.2.0 200 200 0]
set bs4_ [create-base-station 1.4.0 1.3.0 200 200 0]
set bs5_ [create-base-station 1.4.1 1.4.0 200 200 0]
set mobile_ [create-mobile 1.1.1 1.1.0 200 200 0 1 0.01]
so when i run , all nodes are supposed to be at the same point overlapped in nam, but its not happening, randomly they are taking some cordinates and getting displayed in the nam , each time i run nam.
tcl file is is
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06-10-2011, 10:45 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2011
Posts: 2
[QUOTE=manjunath11;4176790]i have installed ns2.33 and added mobiwan , i tried to run tcl script after modifyng simple tcl which i have got along mobiwan patch, but the problem is after creating some nodes and setting their positions in the tcl, according to my topology, i tried to run , but the command i have included in tcl , which sets the positions for mobile nodes, has no effect , which means that the positions of the mobile nodes is already fixed , trough tcl i am not able to change , and also each time when i run nam , different positions mobile nodes taking, and also the mobile node is not moving , even if i have given mobility to it, at different time , i have given different destinations.
this is part of tcl in which i have set positions mobile node.
set cn_ [create-router 0.0.0]
set router_ [create-router 1.0.0]
set bs1_ [create-base-station 1.1.0 1.0.0 200 200 0]
set bs2_ [create-base-station 1.2.0 1.1.0 200 600 0]
set bs3_ [create-base-station 1.3.0 1.2.0 600 200 0]
set bs4_ [create-base-station 1.4.0 1.3.0 600 600 0]
set bs5_ [create-base-station 1.4.1 1.4.0 700 700 0]
set mobile_ [create-mobile 1.1.1 1.1.0 190 190 0 1 0.01]
mobility for mobile node
# set-ping-int 0.1 $cn_ $mobile_ 10 $opt(stop)
# set-ping-int 0.1 $cn_ $mobile_ 10 $opt(stop)
#start movement to pos(x,y) with velocity v
$ns at 5.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 200 10"
#MN move again to BS2#####
$ns at 15.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 300 10"
$ns at 25.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 400 10"
$ns at 35.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 500 10"
$ns at 45.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 600 10"
$ns at 55.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 500 10"
$ns at 65.0 "$mobile_ setdest 400 400 10"
$ns at 75.0 "$mobile_ setdest 300 300 10"
$ns at 85.0 "$mobile_ setdest 500 250 10"
$ns at 95.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 175 10"
$ns at 105.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 200 10"
this is the complete tcl code
# Basic Mobile IPv6 example without using ns-topoman
# Needs proc defined in file proc-mipv6-config.tcl
Agent/MIPv6/MN set bs_forwarding_ 0 ; # 1 if forwarding from previous BS
proc log-mn-movement_no_topo { } {
global logtimer ns
Class LogTimer -superclass Timer
LogTimer instproc timeout {} {
global mobile_
$mobile_ log-movement
$self sched 1
set logtimer [new LogTimer]
$logtimer sched 1
# Create Topology
proc create-my-topo {} {
global ns opt topo mobile_ cn_ mnn_nodes_
# Create and define topography
set topo [new Topography]
# set prop [new $opt(prop)]
# $prop topography $topo
$topo load_flatgrid 1500 1500
# god is a necessary object when wireless is used
# set to a value equal to the number of mobile nodes
create-god 8
# Call node-config
$ns node-config \
-addressType hierarchical \
-agentTrace ON \
-routerTrace ON
# Set NS Addressing
AddrParams set domain_num_ 2
AddrParams set cluster_num_ {1 5}
AddrParams set nodes_num_ {1 1 3 1 1 2}
# Create Nodes
set cn_ [create-router 0.0.0]
set router_ [create-router 1.0.0]
set bs1_ [create-base-station 1.1.0 1.0.0 200 200 0]
set bs2_ [create-base-station 1.2.0 1.1.0 200 600 0]
set bs3_ [create-base-station 1.3.0 1.2.0 600 200 0]
set bs4_ [create-base-station 1.4.0 1.3.0 600 600 0]
set bs5_ [create-base-station 1.4.1 1.4.0 700 700 0]
set mobile_ [create-mobile 1.1.1 1.1.0 190 190 0 1 0.01]
# Create Links
# $ns duplex-link $cn_ $router_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $router_ $bs1_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $router_ $bs2_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $router_ $bs3_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $router_ $bs4_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# $ns duplex-link $bs4_ $bs5_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# Create Links
$ns duplex-link $cn_ $router_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $router_ $bs1_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs1_ $bs2_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs2_ $bs3_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs3_ $bs4_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs4_ $bs5_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $bs5_ $cn_ 100Mb 1.80ms DropTail
# End of Simulation
proc finish { } {
global tracef ns namf opt mobile_ cn_
puts "Simulation finished"
# Dump the Binding Update List of MN and Binding Cache of HA
[[$mobile_ set ha_] set regagent_] dump
[$cn_ set regagent_] dump
[$mobile_ set regagent_] dump
$ns flush-trace
flush $tracef
close $tracef
close $namf
#puts "running nam with $opt(namfile) ... "
exec nam $opt(namfile) &
#exec nam $opt(namfile) &
#exec awk -f loss.awk flow=0 src=0 dst=4 > loss.xgr
#exec awk -f all.awk > All.xgr
#exec awk -f mn.awk > MN.xgr
#exec awk -f mn2.awk > MN2.xgr
#exec awk -f bs2.awk > BS2.xgr
#exec awk -f bs1.awk > BS1.xgr
#exec awk -f all_results.awk > allresults.xgr
#exec awk -f throughput.awk flow=0 src=0 dst=4 > thr.xgr
#exec xgraph All.xgr MN.xgr &
#BS1.xgr BS2.xgr thr.xgr &
# exec xgraph allresults.xgr &
exit 0
# Main
proc main { } {
global opt ns TOPOM namf n tracef mobile_ cn_
# Source Files
# source set-def-options.tcl
# set BASEDIR to your own correct path
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-mipv6-config.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-tools.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-topo.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/ns-topoman.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-mobi-global.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/lib/proc-mobi-config.tcl
source /home/manju/Desktop//ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/mobility/timer.tcl
set NAMF out.nam
set opt(mactrace) ON
set opt(NAM) 1
set opt(namfile) $NAMF
set opt(stop) 100
set opt(tracefile) $TRACEF
#>--------------- Extract options from command line ---------------<
#Getopt ; # Get option from the command line
#>---------------------- Simulator Settings ----------------------<
set ns [new Simulator]
Simulator set EnableHierRt_ 1
#>------------------------ Open trace files ----------------------<
exec rm -f $opt(tracefile)
set tracef [open $opt(tracefile) w]
#... dump the file
$ns trace-all $tracef
set namf [open $opt(namfile) w]
$ns namtrace-all $namf
#>------------- Protocol and Topology Settings -------------------<
# set-ping-int 0.1 $cn_ $mobile_ 10 $opt(stop)
# set-ping-int 0.1 $cn_ $mobile_ 10 $opt(stop)
#start movement to pos(x,y) with velocity v
$ns at 5.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 200 10"
#MN move again to BS2#####
$ns at 15.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 300 10"
$ns at 25.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 400 10"
$ns at 35.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 500 10"
$ns at 45.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 600 10"
$ns at 55.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 500 10"
$ns at 65.0 "$mobile_ setdest 400 400 10"
$ns at 75.0 "$mobile_ setdest 300 300 10"
$ns at 85.0 "$mobile_ setdest 500 250 10"
$ns at 95.0 "$mobile_ setdest 600 175 10"
$ns at 105.0 "$mobile_ setdest 700 200 10"
#>----------------------- Run Simulation -------------------------<
$ns at $opt(stop) "finish"
$ns run
$ns dump-topology $namf
close $namf
#puts "running nam with $opt(namfile) ... "
#exec nam $opt(namfile) &
proc set-cbr { } {
global ns cn_ mobile_
set udp [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $cn_ $udp
set dst [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $mobile_ $dst
$ns connect $udp $dst
set src [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$src set packetSize_ 1000
$src set rate_ 100k
$src set interval_ 0.05
$src attach-agent $udp
$ns at 01.0 "$src start"
please how can get the graph for this script help me
06-10-2011, 10:53 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2011
Posts: 2
please can you give me a script of mipv6 's simulation with his xgraph
thank you advanced
12-26-2011, 12:21 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2011
Location: tamilnadu,vellore
Distribution: ns2
Posts: 13
Last edited by Gunasekaran; 12-26-2011 at 12:33 AM.
12-26-2011, 12:31 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2011
Location: tamilnadu,vellore
Distribution: ns2
Posts: 13
hi sir,
i got installed ns2.35 in ubuntu 11.10...when i close the terminal and open and type ns it says ns not installed....what i have to do....sir you have any detailed instruction about ns2 installation and patch installation for FHMIPv6.......pls sir....thanks in advance....
12-26-2011, 12:33 PM
LQ 5k Club
Registered: Jan 2008
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Post #7, @Gunasekaran : Welcome to LQ.
No ns2 seems to work in Ubuntu 11.10 .
If it must be Ubuntu, the best choice is 10.04 Lucid.
And : AFAIK there is no FHMIP for ns-2.35 .
The patches are for ns-2.31 ( ns-allinone-2.31 ) : See post # 6 here
Last edited by knudfl; 12-26-2011 at 12:35 PM.
02-25-2012, 04:50 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2011
Posts: 10
Dear all,
I have tried to add in ns 2.31 fhmip patch
and when i run fhmip_simula.tcl
i got a message wrong node routing agent
Can anyone please help me with this?
04-17-2012, 07:25 AM
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Kolkata
Distribution: CentOS
Posts: 38
#9 kikistr1
You said that you got a wrong node routing agent.
Is it for the routing agent NOAH?
Then I think I can help you to install that.
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