Rigth to the point:
I want to, by hand, update Slackware to current.
I created a folder called /update to store the slackpacks in, and a group called update so I don't have to do it as root.
I added my user (scuzzy) to the group, and made the /update folder writable by the group update.
There's only one problem - the group is not writeable by my user...
This might make a little more sense:
[scuzzy@slackdell /home/scuzzy]$ groups scuzzy
scuzzy : users wheel floppy cdrom mysql ftp windows apache update
[scuzzy@slackdell /home/scuzzy]$ ls -l / | grep update
drwxrwxr-x 2 root update 4096 2005-01-09 05:04 update/
[scuzzy@slackdell /home/scuzzy]$ touch /update/test
touch: cannot touch `/update/test': Permission denied
[scuzzy@slackdell /home/scuzzy]$
Is it just me, or should that not have happened?