Originally Posted by AsheboroAlli
I have never used Linux before ever. Just as a preface.
I have a Fedora core 3 box that I am trying to use to replace my current document server.
This box was part of a domain at a different location previously. At this location we use a "work group" network. I have set the IP, Gateway, Subnet, and DNS servers...
I can see the machine from my XP machine, but cannot get a connection to the internet?
What am I doing wrong?
Well, if you've moved locations, chances are the network information is different. Just as you'd have to enter a new address/etc., for a Windows box, so will you for Linux. Is this box using DHCP, or is it using a static address?
If you can see it from XP, are you sure it's not a cached entry you're seeing in the workgroup? You may be missing a default route outwards, too. Check out the output of the "ifconfig -a", and the "route" commands, and talk with your network admin to see what you should have, versus what you actually do have.
Also, as a side note, Fedora Core 3 is ancient. The latest is FC12. If you're trying to replace a current server, you'd do very well to upgrade it to something current.