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Old 01-12-2010, 02:11 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2010
Posts: 3

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Pingable... but no internet???

I have never used Linux before ever. Just as a preface.

I have a Fedora core 3 box that I am trying to use to replace my current document server.

This box was part of a domain at a different location previously. At this location we use a "work group" network. I have set the IP, Gateway, Subnet, and DNS servers...

I can see the machine from my XP machine, but cannot get a connection to the internet?

What am I doing wrong?
Old 01-12-2010, 02:46 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by AsheboroAlli View Post
I have never used Linux before ever. Just as a preface.

I have a Fedora core 3 box that I am trying to use to replace my current document server.

This box was part of a domain at a different location previously. At this location we use a "work group" network. I have set the IP, Gateway, Subnet, and DNS servers...

I can see the machine from my XP machine, but cannot get a connection to the internet?

What am I doing wrong?
Well, if you've moved locations, chances are the network information is different. Just as you'd have to enter a new address/etc., for a Windows box, so will you for Linux. Is this box using DHCP, or is it using a static address?

If you can see it from XP, are you sure it's not a cached entry you're seeing in the workgroup? You may be missing a default route outwards, too. Check out the output of the "ifconfig -a", and the "route" commands, and talk with your network admin to see what you should have, versus what you actually do have.

Also, as a side note, Fedora Core 3 is ancient. The latest is FC12. If you're trying to replace a current server, you'd do very well to upgrade it to something current.
Old 01-12-2010, 02:53 PM   #3
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It sounds like you have a network connection up and running. Try to ping the gateway, and then try pinging something on the internet by IP address like maybe (this is one of the root name servers). If that works, try pinging something by name ( maybe?). If that doesn't work then the problem is that you haven't configured the DNS servers. Edit /etc/resolv.conf and add a line like 'nameserver the_ip_of_your_dns'. If you can't even ping by IP then the problem is that your gateway isn't working right. Some gateways that use M$ software actually work as a proxy server rather than a gateway, and if that's the case you need to set it up as such. If you can't even ping the gateway, you must have configured something wrong (bad netmask maybe? -- need more information)


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